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This is a discussion on Ta-dah!! within the Camera equipment & accessories forums, part of the Education & Technical category; Okay, I kept my promise that I wouldn't dither anymore but would go the store and make a decision. I ...

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    Bambi's Avatar
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    Talking Ta-dah!!

    Okay, I kept my promise that I wouldn't dither anymore but would go the store and make a decision. I also just found out that I will be getting a couple thousand in back pay (a whole other story) in the first pay in January. I wanted to take advantage of the boxing day sales so went to Henry's. I have heard good stories about their customer service and didn't want to go to Future Shop. I called a friend and asked her if she wanted to come along. So off we went. I played with both the Canon and the Nikon. Took pictures with both and decided I like the feel of the Nikon better.

    Here she is, my new baby:

    now here is also a story that illustrates why I love my husband. When I first broached the subject with him he was quite against it: why did I need a new camera, I'm not a professional, this one is fine. I didn't say anything because that would have led to a fight. And he always needs time to mull.

    so yesterday he said, how much is this camera you want anyway? I told him '699 on futureshop starting tomorrow'. 'Well don't you think that you should get on that?' he says. 'I'd rather go to Henrys' I say and they are having a sale too. (I also explain why).

    So today I head off. He's in a bit of sticker shock but I got the camera with the kit lens for $719 (before taxes, memory card and extended warranty). I also bought a sling camera bag/knapsack thingy.
    So then he wants to know what we are doing with my old camera. I want to keep it is a p&s. Also our daughter is taking a photography class and may want it next term. I have also had someone ask to buy it. He first says sell it. then says, 'no never mind. that's your hobby. you should get to decide what to do with your hobby.' Isn't he grand????

    Battery is charging as I type. Tomorrow heading out to take some photos. Might play with it tonight too. .

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    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    Now get out there and show what you really got

    You'll happy with that choice I feel.

    What lenses came with it?

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    F8&Bthere's Avatar
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    thanks guys.
    the lens that came with it is AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 EdII.

    Not quite sure what that means yet....

    I'm off to watch my daughter play hockey, I will take it for a test spin.

    still over the moon!
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    zenon5940 is offline Senior Member
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    Congrats Bambi. I'm sure you did the best choice and you'll enjoy the D5000 'cause it's a GREAT camera with video functions and all, plus the "swing out" monitor. Really sharp, I'm happy for you.

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    kat is offline Senior Member
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    Yay! Congrats!
    My new blog as of Nov/10

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    It's just a cheapy lens Bambi BUT ... don't underestimate it at all. Chantelle has more or less the equivalent lens on her camera and she often outshoots me with my far more expensive lenses. Used right, it can produce great shots. It's a good Landscape lens too and you'll do fine with portraits as well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad Aussie View Post
    It's just a cheapy lens Bambi BUT ... don't underestimate it at all. Chantelle has more or less the equivalent lens on her camera and she often outshoots me with my far more expensive lenses. Used right, it can produce great shots. It's a good Landscape lens too and you'll do fine with portraits as well.
    thanks everyone.

    I know its not a high quality lens but I figure it's a good place to start learning from.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bambi View Post
    thanks everyone.

    I know its not a high quality lens but I figure it's a good place to start learning from.
    It's exactly where I started from! And, as I said, Chantelle has my old gear and often gets better shots than I do because she took the photo right when I didn't ... or saw something in composition I missed. It's only in extremes when my expensive lenses might out perform hers regardless of my input. But in the end I can put up many photos we both shot of the same subject at the same time and you won't be able to tell the difference.
    Use it with confidence!

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    I take a day away from the computer and look what happens! Congratulations! Wahoo!!

    I'm sure you'll love it!
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