Dear All,
After working with my 350D for quite sometime now, I am thinking of upgrading it. Would you give me your suggestions? I tried to go through some camera lines and I am a bit confused. Canon EOS XXXDs are kind of prosumer cameras from what I could understand. What about the XXD like 50D and XD like 5D and 7Ds. The 1D and 1Ds are of very pro levels.
Well my specifications are
1. spot meter (my 350D doesn't have one)
2. wider range of ISO (50->1600)
3. crop factor (I need it to get the extra mm)
4. Should serve for long time with respect to specifications(no plan to upgrade before 4-5 years)
5. able to handle remote flash systems
6. Canon family (but that is not religion)
7. price, price
Currently, I am thinking of investing on 7D. Can you also suggest what would be the lowest price I could get for it (USD)
Any additional suggestions would be appreciated.