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canon 18-55mm

This is a discussion on canon 18-55mm within the Camera equipment & accessories forums, part of the Education & Technical category; He guys, Sorry to clog up the forum with posts, but I'm close to a purchase. My question is: this ...

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    jasonaphotography is offline Junior Member
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    Default canon 18-55mm

    He guys,
    Sorry to clog up the forum with posts, but I'm close to a purchase. My question is: this lens

    Or a Nifty-fifty?
    Thank for all the great help I've been getting !

  2. #2
    theantiquetiger's Avatar
    theantiquetiger is offline Moderator
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    I would go with the nifty fifty if you are getting the higher grade one, I think they are just under $300. I would take the 18-55 over the cheaper nifty fifty, that is plastic and runs $120.
    "The worst thing about taking a great image is that your next one has to be better!"


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