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Nikon d300s ?

This is a discussion on Nikon d300s ? within the Camera equipment & accessories forums, part of the Education & Technical category; Ive been thinking its time to upgrade cameras. I want to switch from Canon over to Nikon. Threw my eyes ...

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    jude01's Avatar
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    Default Nikon d300s ?

    Ive been thinking its time to upgrade cameras. I want to switch from Canon over to Nikon. Threw my eyes Nikon's images just are sharper and of better quality. (sorry Canon fans). Ive had my eye on the d300s for a while now, and am wondering if anyone here has it and what do they think? Or is there another Nikon camera that anyone can suggest. Also I want one good fast lens for wildlife. That's it! no more switching lenses in the field, my canon is so full of dust, Its almost not worth even using anymore!

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    Marko's Avatar
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    I'm not convinced Nikons beat Canon and I shoot Nikon. In some departments canon wins in others nikon wins. Overall I say it's a draw. In terms of sharpness, I know plenty of canon shooters that get razor sharp images.
    Personally I see more people shooting canon when I go out on gigs...

    Especially if you have good canon lenses....I'd vote against the switch.

    The desire for great lenses...that I get.
    But know in advance that the best quality lenses will NOT cover an unlimited focal range so you will still need to change lenses.

    Personally....I hear your woes on the dust matter and I too hate to change lenses and so lately i shoot the majority of my 'pleasure' images with a 28-300mm. That lens is a very good lens but it is certainly not the 'best' quality.

    So in a nutshell, for me - it's not about the camera per se. The 'feel' of the camera is a jillion times more important than the brand.
    If you do switch, make sure you actually go to a store and see how the cameras feel in your hand.
    of course this is just my personal opinion.
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    Matt K.'s Avatar
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    Nikon - Canon - Pentax who is to say? I sincerely think that the camera body is the not what makes the image, it is the glass for the most part. It is what lets the light through to the sensor. Look at HBG's images, all Canon, and the sharpness and overall technical stuff is hard to surpass. That said, I shoot with the D330s, and i love the camera. I started out with Nikon, since I was told that the lenses of the Nikons are backwards compatible, contrary to the Canons. Now I am not sure if this is true or not, but that was the basis of my choice. So if you have good glass, then why not upgrade your camera body, so you can utilize the lenses you already have?

    And if you camera is full of dust, the simply have it cleaned at your good neighborhood camera store. I would not dare try to clean the sensor of my camera myself, but there are people in camera stores that can do this rather quickly (for a fee, of course). As far as a good fast lens is concerned, then that depends on the depth of your pocket. The Nikon 300mm f2.8 is a great lens, but if you can do with f4, then the 300mm is a super sharp and wonderful lens (I own it and have been very happy with it. Tough in low light, for sure, since this lens does not have VR on it, so you are shooting from a tripod; that said, I bought a Gimbal head knock off on eBay, came from China, costs about 100 bucks and works just fine, thank you very much. At a 6th of the cost of the brand head). Gimbal head lets you guide your camera with more ease, for sure. Sigma makes a decent 300mm f 2.8 as well. Anyway, I think what Marko said also has a lot of merit, hold it in your hand, and then decide if it fits your style. D300s bodies should be rather reasonable in price right now, you most likely can pick one up on Kijiji for around 800, I would think. nd if your pockets are good and deep, then go for the new D800E. A mere 3300.
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    Hillbillygirl is offline Senior Member
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    Everything said so far is very true Jude. To me one brand is no better than the other. I do like the Canon glass, is what set me on this path. Plus their feel/fit, and menu ease, really makes me like them.
    That said. What is your percentage of shots going to be in the future, as in which direction will you see yourself heading in this hobby/career? Wildlife a main priority, then yes, stick with some form of crop camera. Landscape/portrait work, then FF. Also, you have not given any idea on a budget you are looking at, as that will def. swing the options you have, and advice that can be given
    I see you shoot with a Rebel XS. SO, what is it you do not like about it that you need to trade up, over getting better glass. With all the new glass being brought out by Canon this year, (13 of them, so far), there is lots of used, amazingly fast glass deals to be had from people upgrading. Also, the 7D is one of the best wildlife cameras going. Pair it up with some fast glass and you have a killer combo. Check This gentleman's work out Nature Photography Gallery - Bird Photography by Glenn Bartley. Approx.80% shot with a Canon 7D. So what can a Nikon do that this camera cannot do.
    If you are really intent on switching to Nikon, just for the sake of brand name, then, yes the D300s is an awesome wildlife cam. At the other end is the D800, but I hope you have an amazingly robust computer with "LOTS" of hd space for those huge files. If it was me going FF, I would go with a Canon 5DMkII, or Nikon D700 for the bang for the buck.
    Reality is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there!

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    Okay , Sorry guys I was not trying to ignite the Canon verse Nikon debate, as I said " threw my eye's". I see Nikon's images as sharper, the only reason I ended up with a canon is cause I let a friend talk me into it. I don't have good lenses, just the kit lens and the 55-250 mm. The bigger lens is full of dust as well. That's what I get taking (my new at the time) camera and lens atving in the desert in Mexico. My own fault I know.
    I would like to get the canon eventually cleaned and get a good wide-angle for it and use it as my landscape camera. I want the Nikon for Wildlife. Wildlife and Birds are my main focus, i'm not going to be a portrait or wedding photographer ect, that's not where my photography is leading me.
    Budget isn't a huge issue, I have some money set aside if this is what I choose to spend it on.
    One of the main reasons I want to upgrade is I want a camera with better focusing. My Canon has always been "off" it focuses to the left of the central focus point. I actually wonder if ill have problems adjusting to a camera that focuses properly, my brain is so used to accommodating the canon.
    Its not all about brand name I settled on the d300s after reading and watching many good reviews on it.

    HBG I love Glenn Bartley. He is one of my favorites. He dose one of his photo tours right hear on the island where I live.

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    No debate started here. As we all said, they are both equals. Was just wondering what you thought was "missing" from what you have now is all.
    Sounds like you have a handle on what you want/need in a camera.
    If set on Nikon, and D300s, then you can "never" go wrong with the 300mm f2.8 along with a TC, in prime, or the 200-400mm f4. Both are excellent birding/wildlife lenses. I am very partial to primes myself, but that 200-400 is amazing in its own right.
    Might I suggest looking here, Camera lens tests, user reviews, camera accessory reviews -!, for professional tests along with real world user reviews below the tests. (If you have not already). Also Fred Miranda is an invaluable resource for this type of info also.
    Reality is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there!

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    Thanks HBG!

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    Barefoot's Avatar
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