Well i'm going to make the leap into the digital world once I get home in april. Planning on buying the 60D. Want to get something better than the T2i or T3i for that matter now, and can't afford the 7D. My best cameras right now are both film cameras from the 80s. Ones a fully manual Chinon 5M, and the other is a Nikon FG or something like that, it has auto exposure.
Anyway, here's what i was planning on buying. I'm on a budget but wanted faster primes, so i opted not to buy the kit lens.
+Canon 60D body
+Canon EF85mm f/1.8
+Canon EF28mm f/1.8
+Hoods for both lenses
+Hoya UV filter for both lenses, and one circular polarizer
+Speedlight 430EXII
+flash diffuser
+remote shutter release (i do a lot with bulb mode)
+camera backpack
Not sure wether I want to buy a spare battery. I've heard the battery life is very good, and it'll last for a whole days shoot and then some. Any suggestions or comments. Think i have everything i need with what i have listed.