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Dog at the beach..

This is a discussion on Dog at the beach.. within the Black and White - Monochrome/Monotone - photography forum forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; My first post Thoughts?...

  1. #1
    nicklang13 is offline Junior Member
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    Default Dog at the beach..

    My first post Thoughts?
    Name:  B&W DOG-2994.jpg
Views: 432
Size:  46.5 KB

  2. #2
    theantiquetiger's Avatar
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    First off, welcome to the forum!!!

    What size did you upload this image, because it looks out of focus? If it is too large, the forum resizes it smaller and makes it soft.

    As for the image other then that, why did you go Black & White? B&W images should have a lot of contrast between light and dark. This image is mostly gray. The dog is nicely positioned in the frame, but I feel you are too far away.

    If the image did get compressed, the best thing to do is get a free Flickr account and post from there, then you don't have to worry about the size, you can post any size.
    "The worst thing about taking a great image is that your next one has to be better!"

  3. #3
    nicklang13 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the reply! The image was fairly large and uploaded directly to the post, I didn't even think about Flickr. I went black and white, honestly, because the color in the original photo wasn't that great and I didn't feel like going into excess in post. I was very far away from the dog, I didn't want to freak out the owner I'm still pretty new to this and I appreciate the feedback!(:

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    theantiquetiger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nicklang13 View Post
    I was very far away from the dog, I didn't want to freak out the owner
    You should be fine shooting a stranger's pet in public, I don't think anyone would care. Just be cautious when photographing kids in public. If I see a kid that I must shoot, I will ask the parent and offer a copy.
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    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Welcome the forum, nicklang13.

    The most important thing you can do for your photography is to get out and shoot so you are on the right track. Keep it up!
    “If you are out there shooting, things will happen for you. If you’re not out there, you’ll only hear about it.” – Jay Maisel
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