OK Here it goes
-Was a 3 shot HDR bracketed -2,0,+2
-First I adjusted exposure on the -2 down even further to improve detail on the moon before HDR processing
-Processed in HDR Efex Pro 2, using a fairly extreme preset. This gave most of the final contrast in the moon.
-Within HDR Efex I used control points to increase exposure in the clouds and increase the structure on the moon.
-Cropped in Photoshop
-In Photoshop the image was very noisy, so I duplicated layer and applied a strong noise reduction. Masked the moon so the noise reduction was on the clouds only. (I think a gausian blur layer may have been better)
-The edges of the moon were haloing so I cloned around the edges to tidy up.
-A liitle burning/painting on the top and left to restore darker black.
-Unsharp mask to sharpen (moon only- I masked the clouds)
-Global Curves adjustment to punch out the contrast
Copies of RAW files below are -2 (adjusted as described) , 0, & +2 files for your info.