Sorry I couldnt add more, i'm on my way to bed and I thought I would add the two best ones, or what i thought were the better ones of the bunch
This is a discussion on First Time Doing Portraits, Tell me what you think :) within the Black and White - Monochrome/Monotone - photography forum forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Sorry I couldnt add more, i'm on my way to bed and I thought I would add the two best ...
Sorry I couldnt add more, i'm on my way to bed and I thought I would add the two best ones, or what i thought were the better ones of the bunch
You're waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too far away. Unless it's an industrial portrait, get close. The black is telling me nothing. It does not add to the shot nor the mood so it should not take up 90% of the frame. Show us a tighter crop for more of a portrait look.
I like the mood you were going for, however, I agree with Andrew. To show the emotion in a portrait you need to get in close whether it's with your feet or the lens. That second one would be really cool if cropped most of it away. I like how the highlights define the body position even though everything is shrouded in darkness.
I agree with the comments thus far. Especially if this is your first portrait session...go conventional. Do a few head and shoulders portraits, full length, concentrate on the subject not the background. Always focus on the eyes.
Keep playing though - DEFINITELY.
Hope that helps
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"You have to milk the cow quite a lot, and get plenty of milk to get a little cheese." Henri Cartier-Bresson from The Decisive Moment.
I'm in agreement with everyone else in terms of the negative space...
That said, I like the pose and drama in the second shot.
While I actually like a lot of negative space, about 1"-1.25" less around the image (if it's an 8X10) would be just right for me. Who knows, the subject might just like the amount of negative space. Ever read "drawing on the artist within"? The section on negative space is really good. What was the subject's response to the image? That's the most important thing.
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Thanks! I thought the same thing, and she was happy with the negative space to answer your question..However I know i should be A LOT closer and the distance is due to my lens and lack of location to shoot from, (tripod broke) thank youi will take these tips!