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Nick on The Rhode

This is a discussion on Nick on The Rhode within the Black and White - Monochrome/Monotone - photography forum forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; This picture of my friend Nick was taken during the "Rogues on the Rhode" Operation Ward 57 benefit. Operation Ward ...

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    Gremlich's Avatar
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    Default Nick on The Rhode

    Name:  Nick_on_The_Rhode.jpg
Views: 410
Size:  89.4 KB

    This picture of my friend Nick was taken during the "Rogues on the Rhode" Operation Ward 57 benefit. Operation Ward 57 (OW57) is named after Ward 57, the amputee ward at Walter Reed Hospital in DC. Nick, one of the OW57 Board of Directors, is an amputee himself whom the OW57 effort has helped. He traveled with his band "Writing Home" from North Carolina to play this past Saturday (28 May) to participate with The Rogues and several other acts including The Crew (three very young guys from Howard County, Maryland) and Marc Anderson DesRochers from Mt Tremblant, Quebec. The combined total donated during this event was almost $50k USD. The prior events The Rogues have held amounted to just under $10k and brings the total raised by them to approximately $57k!! The event was supported by Brits, Kiwis, Ozzies, Canadians and Americans. Go Colonies, eh!

    How is that for good works.
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    edG's Avatar
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    works really well in B&W, it has it all mood, tones and a story
    " A good photograph is one that communicates a fact, touches the heart and leaves the viewer a changed person for having seen it. " Irving Penn

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    Gremlich's Avatar
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    Thanx, and for what it's worth, this was not a posed shot. I get to be onstage/backstage for a lot of my time with the bands.
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    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Nice. He seems very intent on playing. Nice moment caught here.
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    asnow is offline Senior Member
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    Nice mood caught. I also like the perspective used.

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    Marko's Avatar
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    very strong portrait - well done!
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