Near the scrap metal yard.
This is a discussion on Machine Purgatory within the Black and White - Monochrome/Monotone - photography forum forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Near the scrap metal yard....
Near the scrap metal yard.
Existence has no goal. It is pure journey. The journey in life is so beautiful, who bothers for the destination. B. Rajneesh
Really love that first one... I like the line of perspective which makes it look like it goes on forever!
Cool captures! I like the second one best. I like the apparent compression of the objects in the yard, making it seem even fuller than it is.
really nice shots. I bet you found lots to photograph there.
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A painter takes their vision and makes it a reality. A photographer takes reality and makes it their vision.
I really like these shots, for all the reasons stated already, and especially for what you've done with the contrast. These are "brighter" than one would expect for such a scene, but it really works for me.
Really love the soft tones and detail in these.
Thanks for the comments. The area was well fenced. See These were taken from the gate, where there was a gap. First shot is 18 mm, second 24 mm; both are f/5 at 1/1000. Loving those wide angle lenses, aren't we?
Existence has no goal. It is pure journey. The journey in life is so beautiful, who bothers for the destination. B. Rajneesh
nicely done
" A good photograph is one that communicates a fact, touches the heart and leaves the viewer a changed person for having seen it. " Irving Penn
" There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs." - Ansel Adams
I usually don't go for B&W shots that lack the blacks but these work very well. Barefoot (member here at used to do a few similar to this feel and were always well received as well. Nice work.
Thanks EdG and MA. There was a lot of grey in the scene already, so not a whole lot of color to remove/replace.
Existence has no goal. It is pure journey. The journey in life is so beautiful, who bothers for the destination. B. Rajneesh