This is a discussion on Far away eyes within the Black and White - Monochrome/Monotone - photography forum forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; ...
Cool processing here, Michael. I like it!
~~ Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder ~~
Cool shot. The look, however, makes me think of the Gao'uld - Goa'uld - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Holy crap Iggy! Here's a lovely older girl who's worried about her looks and my fix it job turns her into an alien? Man.....I'm going to need a big box of Valium for the real shoot![]()
Woah! Slow down.. sorry, if you aren't familiar with the reference. Gao'uld's make their hosts eyes glow! The photo looks great just the eyes are a tad too bright I think.
No problem IggyI am very nervous about the real deal though having never taken on such a large model shoot before. I may have brought the eyes a little too far forward but I quite liked the look. Thanks for the imput
Hopefully this week, but I still have to meet with the owners of the drive in and whoever controls clouds and rainI'm also not totally tight with the vision so I'll have to spend the next couple of nights getting that together. The model is going out of the country for a couple of months near the end of the month so all the bits have to come together soon!
I like this in B&W. Your processing works really well.