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Mike's favorite jet

This is a discussion on Mike's favorite jet within the Architecture & Man Made (cities, buildings, roads, objects & abstracts) forums, part of the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) category; F-104A Starfighter. The missile with the man in it. You can't tell it's his favorite, right? She isn't in flying ...

  1. #1
    QuietOne is offline Senior Member
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    Default Mike's favorite jet

    F-104A Starfighter. The missile with the man in it. You can't tell it's his favorite, right?
    Name:  Man Holding F-104.jpg
Views: 484
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    She isn't in flying condition, unfortunately. She was last in the Jordanian Air Force, before being put on display.
    Name:  F-104 A1.jpg
Views: 494
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    Name:  F-104 A10.jpg
Views: 493
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  2. #2
    QuietOne is offline Senior Member
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    F-104. This is looking up the tail pipe at the back of the engine. The circular bars are the spray bars for the afterburner.
    Name:  F-104 A11.jpg
Views: 480
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    These are of the exhaust nozzle. It's a variable outlet size. It varies based on the power demands of the engine.
    Name:  F-104 A14.jpg
Views: 459
Size:  184.4 KBName:  F-104 A15.jpg
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    Basic specs: Top speed is Mach 2. Rate of climb 45,000 feet a minute. Service ceiling is 55,000 feet. Zoom ceiling is 90,000 feet (The sky is black at that point). Absolute record with an F-104 is 120,000 feet. These specs are still impressive 50 years later.

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    QuietOne is offline Senior Member
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    Radius of the leading edge of the wing is 1/16". The red and white strip is a cover to prevent injury while working around the aircraft.
    Name:  F-104 A44.jpg
Views: 451
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    Right side air intake. The inner shock cone positions the shock wave correctly for supersonic flight.
    Name:  F-104 A5.jpg
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    View from in back of the wing.
    Name:  F-104 A24.jpg
Views: 438
Size:  154.4 KB

  4. #4
    QuietOne is offline Senior Member
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    Bet you would never guess what this is. The F-104 has unusual flight characteristics. This gives feedback to the joystick when the plane is about to stall. It basically just sticks out in the slipstream. Doesn't do anything except give feedback to the joystick.
    Name:  F-104 A37.jpg
Views: 439
Size:  126.7 KB

    And just because the reflections were neat. Cooling air vent for the electronics.
    Name:  F-104 A38.jpg
Views: 440
Size:  117.6 KB

  5. #5
    Foots is offline Senior Member
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    Hey QuietOne,

    Still catching up on the posts. Your photos are great. And, you must have an interest in planes. Do you fly?

  6. #6
    QuietOne is offline Senior Member
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    Hi, Foots. No, I don't fly, Mike's the pilot in the family. He's getting back into it after a 20 year absence. He drags me to airshows to take pictures for him because I'm better at it than he is. Frequent conversation during the after show editing:
    Me: What about this one?
    Mike: It's an airplane!
    Me: It's a dot in the sky, just like the last 20 dots.

    Actually, I do enjoy taking pictures of mechanical things. They can lend themselves to some interesting views.

    I'll be going back through more pictures and posting more at some point. Some not so great technically, but the composition and history are interesting.

    And someday, Mike may succeed in his evil plans to actually get me into a plane and take pictures from it (I'm afraid I'm mildly phobic about falling, though I've taken commercial flights when I've had to).

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    JAS_Photo's Avatar
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    Cool set QuietOne! Some great captures of really cool planes!

  8. #8
    kat is offline Senior Member
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    Another neat set! Love that last photo.

  9. #9
    Michaelaw's Avatar
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    Thanks for the 104 tour I believe when I was twelve or so these were pretty much cutting edge but then again that was a while back, maybe the Phantom held that title. Wonderful shots of aviation nostalgia. Mike looks totally at home

  10. #10
    Greg_Nuspel's Avatar
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    I remember these as a kid I lived close to the Cold Lake Air Force base so I was able to see them many times. One ploughed our neighbours field luckily the pilot had ejected. Used to go to the bombing range with my dad but never got to see them doing any shooting.
    --Greg Nuspel

    I've been sucked into the void of video!!!!!!!



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