Thanks guys...
However, I'm not really sure why using the term "Silver Efex negative preset" would cause trouble if people don't know what it is?
This is a discussion on Steel trees - casil version within the Architecture & Man Made (cities, buildings, roads, objects & abstracts) forums, part of the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) category; Thanks guys... However, I'm not really sure why using the term "Silver Efex negative preset" would cause trouble if people ...
Thanks guys...
However, I'm not really sure why using the term "Silver Efex negative preset" would cause trouble if people don't know what it is?
"Life is like photography, we develop from the negatives"-anonymous
My website:
the term negative is funny if you've never seen or used one.
Oh you mean from the old days when we used negatives and had to actually take them in to be!
Sheesh I guess I fell for that one!
I blame the early morning......
"Life is like photography, we develop from the negatives"-anonymous
My website:
it's funny isn't it? one of the guys I regularly shoot with has NEVER shot film. almost has no frame of reference for anything that derives from it...they're all just numbers to him. I used to run 1-hour labs 20 years ago so I'm plenty familiar w/negatives, but for him it's just a word.
Very well maintained middle tones. And good unobtrusive configurations.
Difficult angle. Enjoyed. Even the black sky.
Arun Gaur
Tripoila-Exploring India-Arun Gaur's Indian Landscape Images