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Halifax Herald Building

This is a discussion on Halifax Herald Building within the Architecture & Man Made (cities, buildings, roads, objects & abstracts) forums, part of the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) category; Went for a walk the other day and noticed they were demolishing the Halifax Herald Building. Took a pano shot ...

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    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Default Halifax Herald Building

    Went for a walk the other day and noticed they were demolishing the Halifax Herald Building. Took a pano shot of it and thought I would share.
    Name:  Halifax Herald Building.jpg
Views: 796
Size:  94.9 KB

    I just now noticed the imperfection in the light standard. :(
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    Bambi's Avatar
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    I was hoping you would do that! I drove by it the other day and thought that it would be cool to return with a camera. If the workshop is boring on saturday I may head over there.

    It's a piece of history gone, that's for sure!! I remember waiting to get into bars downtown in the shadow of that building. And one halloween party night in halifax that I will never forget
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    Not much of a bar hopper in my early years so I don't have those kind of memories but it'll be interesting to see what happens to the property. They were talking about building a new convention center on that spot. Apparently, the Metro Centre is too small.
    “If you are out there shooting, things will happen for you. If you’re not out there, you’ll only hear about it.” – Jay Maisel
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    Don't worry guys, I'm sure that "Impark" will have a high priced lot up in its place in no time


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