I saw this done on Flickr and had to give it a go. I found an old set of binoculars and removed a lens.
There were a few problems, first sticking a cheap lens in from of a $1000+ lens seems a little counter productive. It is, as you get reflections. Also I think this lens was the external element and has a few scratches and it is not photographic quality, so lack a little sharpness. You are also limited by the optics of the lens and the length of your arm unless you have an assistant. Trying to work out where to focus the camera and what the back ground will be is a little difficult. This widened the shot quite a bit, when I would have preferred to really focus on the subject. You can also mess around with changing the focal plane. There is heaps to play with. I thing a range of lenses would be necessary to really do what you want.