Sent this one to Microsoft for the release of windows 9
This is a discussion on Winders 9 within the Architecture & Man Made (cities, buildings, roads, objects & abstracts) forums, part of the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) category; Sent this one to Microsoft for the release of windows 9...
Gorgeous shot! Did you open the window at the top for composition?![]()
Love the shot. How did you avoid the lens distortion? Or was it PP to fix that? I would have thought the top windows would have been narrower? Can't remember the correct term for that.
Very cool photo.
Great shot! Love the pattern of the windows on the brick pattern, and the colours. Sure there were 9 windows before PP?![]()
Me on Flickr
This is one I think deserves a re-shoot as it was lost in the great hard drive crash of December 2008 where I lost everything I'd shot over the past three years. There were something like 20 windows in the original and I cropped it down to 9. I used the 40-150mm kit lens and had no distortion to deal with. Funny...I just looked out the window thinking I'd re-shoot today but it's nasty looking outside![]()
My loss was pure stupidity on my part! With well over two terabytes of storage space available, I had all my pics backed up in one spot on one drive. I was going to back them all up but procrastination did me in. Fortunately my stuff was just my artsy fartsy duck shots and what have you, I'd be really pissed if I had lost personal stuff like you. Now I'm backed up twice and looking into backing up to Blu-Ray disks.
I back up with three different cds. One set out for me, the other put away and one set at another house (in case of fire). I aslo get my family photos developed ASAP so I have them on hand in case too. Thankfully I had all those printed out so I have something!!!
Yah..procrastination did me in too! That and one nasty virus! Booooo!
My new blog as of Nov/10
very very cool shot! did you really send it in to windows? i think i might edit out the number '5' at the bottom, and the white peice of paper thing in the top middle window, but other than that, its super awesome! i love how the one window is open... gives it much more meaning.
(ouch kat - all your wedding photos!? and newborn baby shots!? thats awful... :( makes me want to start doing a backup right this instant! im terrible at that...)