Here in Baton Rouge, there is an old neighborhood in a historical district of downtown, called Spanish Town. Most of the houses and buildings are on the "National Historical Registration". They have one of the largest Mardi Gras parades outside of New Orleans. These tiny houses cost an arm and a leg, and everyone that lives there are kind of snooty and very rich. The neighborhood association has strict rules about all kinds. Plastic pink flamingos, which are know to be a little trashy takes over the place every year. About forty years ago, neighbors would sneak the flamingos onto other's yards as a joke during the Mardi Gras season. Now, the flamingo has become the mascot of the Spanishtown parade and they are everywhere.
Here is just a few of the many I took:
1/250 9.0 400 iso 37mm FL Flash
1/80 9.0 100iso 17mm FL
1/60 9.0 iso100 17mm FL
1/1000 2.8 100iso 21mm FL
1/200 9.0 400iso 22mm FL Flash
1/250 2.8 iso 100 flash 37mm FL