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Scenes from the Morrison Knudsen Nature Center

This is a discussion on Scenes from the Morrison Knudsen Nature Center within the Animals (mammals, birds, insects etc.) forums, part of the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) category; MK Nature Center is run by the Fish and Game department, concentrating mostly on the wildlife and environments found around ...

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    QuietOne is offline Senior Member
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    Default Scenes from the Morrison Knudsen Nature Center

    MK Nature Center is run by the Fish and Game department, concentrating mostly on the wildlife and environments found around the rivers.

    First up, a view from one of the blinds. Note the squirrel-proof bird feeder.

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    Another squirrel-proof bird feeder.

    Name:  Chippy 4.jpg
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    QuietOne is offline Senior Member
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    Deer are common guests. They don't let you too close, but they seem to think the Center is actually their all-you-can-eat buffet.
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    QuietOne is offline Senior Member
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    The fake beaver dam. Because you don't want them building just any old place. A number of trees are wrapped in the chicken wire to keep them from trying. There's another blind not visible in this photo to the left. Wood ducks, mallards and geese all gather on the pond.
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    QuietOne is offline Senior Member
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    The main displays involve various forms of fish habitat, from nurseries to deeper water. You can view them through windows, or from above. (Should be obvious which these are)

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    And a couple of the fish. There are both wild (the displays draw from the Boise River) and stocked. No idea how you tell which is which.

    Name:  Fish 7.jpg
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    mbrager's Avatar
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    I'm enjoying your posts this evening. Lots of excellent shots in several posts. You've had a busy day I guess.
    Squirrel proof bird feeder is a hilarious picture.
    I want to say that the unhappy looking fish are the wild ones. The stock fish are happy because they don't know any better. Just guessing.
    Thanks for sharing.
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    QuietOne is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mbrager View Post
    I'm enjoying your posts this evening. Lots of excellent shots in several posts. You've had a busy day I guess.
    Squirrel proof bird feeder is a hilarious picture.
    I want to say that the unhappy looking fish are the wild ones. The stock fish are happy because they don't know any better. Just guessing.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Thanks, Mike. But it's not a busy day, it's a busy week. My husband (another Mike) and I have very different schedules, and odd shifts. So during the week, I have just enough time to blow through the photos I took during my lunch hour, along with sorting the mail, taking up where he left off on the chores, feed myself and so on.

    Weekends are really the main opportunities I have to post. I try to at least read through the forums each day, and if I have time, I'll post responses. This week, I even managed to get some pictures in. But I can't do it from work, because the firewall blocks country domains and I can't see this board as a result. So when you see me, it's before work (just getting out the door on time afterward), after work, or weekends.

    I'm glad you enjoyed the tour. There's quite a bit more to the place - they also do a bit of rehab of birds, and the reflections you see on one of the pictures is a seating area that can accommodate a large class tour for lectures. It's open year round between sunrise and sunset - I was there in January, and I'll be going back throughout the seasons.

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    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    Yep ... those Squirrel's don't have a chance!!

    What a cool set of photos! Looks like a neat place to go wandering with the camera!

    That deer shot is lovely. You did well to get those rainbow trout so well through the glass too.

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    It is, MA. The butterfly garden is just starting to grow. I'll end up checking back to see how it's doing. We'll see what I get once the butterflies start arriving.

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    I spent one whole year trying to find the perfect squirrel proof feeder. All I did was raise the IQ of our local population. I now give up. If they are in too long I set the dogs loose.

    Thanks for sharing these. I quite enjoyed them.
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    Thank you, Bambi. Maybe your squirrels are actually evil geniuses poised to take over the world. They're giving themselves away by getting into the feeders.

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