Well, first of all would like to apologize for not replying to a lot of threads. We are heavy into renovating our 130 yr. old farmhouse and have not had ANY free time.
Last weekend decided to take one day off and do a little birding, so here is our day.
First sighting was approx. 100+ turkeys in a field. These toms were gobblin' away and struttin' their stuff for the ladies.
Headed over to the harbour pier where it was windy and sandy. (yours truly, toughing it out)
Was worth it to get these beautiful, (rare, for us),Long-tail ducks.
An American Coot
The rarest catch for us was this Horned Grebe in breeding plumage with "horns" flared.
And, of course, the ever-present gull.
Hope you enjoyed our day as much as we did. Well, back to work now.