anyone who's tried to photograph one of these little fellas knows how incredibly skittish and hard to approach they are... i'd been trying to get close enough for a decent shot for over a year, with no luck. every time i got within 30 yards, the little rotters would take off, cackling all the way, and disappear into the brush, or perch on a branch overhanging the lake at a range that would require the Hubble to get a good shot.then, finally, at a city park in Bellevue, about 12 miles from home, i saw one fly across a pond. i followed a gravel path around the pond, and as i came around a bend, wham! there he was, perched on a willow branch over a small outlet stream. i stopped where i was, about 25 feet away, and slowly aimed my camera and took some shots. i got about 6 frames before he looked up, realized i was there, and took off... 40D, Sigma EX 80-400 @ 400mm, 1/320 @ f/6.3