This is a discussion on At the dog park within the Animals (mammals, birds, insects etc.) forums, part of the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) category; ...
Nice captures there! I like 'em. It's unfortunate that ears and tongues are flapping about as I think it takes away from a couple of them. Generally, though they're really nice shots.
The shots with no fence are obviously more appealing I think. I really like shots 4 and 6. Great moments.
I take it the mutt (wait for it) with the red collar is yours? Kind of depreived of company during the week huh?
Thanks for the comments. I agree about the fence. The whole park is fenced, so it is hard to get away from it.
Yep..the mutt with the red collar is ours. She is a Basenji x JRT and is only still when she is sleeping.She is the result of an accidental breeding of a friend's BIS winning Basenji and her barn dog (JRT is the mom), and although I could likely come up with some brilliant "designer" name, call her what she very energetic mutt.
We go to the park at least 4-5 times a week and she is flat out energy that whole time she is there. Not easy to live with, but very entertaining. She just has a real zest for life that I like catching in pics.
Great action dog you've captured here - I like the flapping tongues and ears as well :-). My preferred pictures here are the third and fourth.
The black-white dog looks very elegant!