Partially through good luck, and partially as a result of swift, strong and decisive control measures, we in Australia have been affected much less by Covid than the rest of the world. The state I live in has had no new cases for over a month now (and only a couple in past 2 months both from overseas that were identified during compulsory quarantine). As a result things are very quickly returning to normal.
With the resumption of all levels of sport, I have been asked to be the unofficial official photographer for a local hunt club. Although called a hunt club, they dont actually "hunt" foxes or other animals. They ride cross country over jumps etc whilst maintaining the traditional English hunting dress, traditions and protocols.
I will share some photos here periodically from the hunts. Last week was cold and wet, but I managed to get a few shots I was happy with.
This a horse portrait from the day
Big Red by Dwayne, on Flickr