Race Rocks is an ecological preserve just south west of Victoria B.C. It is a protected marine area that consists of a group of nine small islands and the second oldest lighthouse on the B.C. coast which was first lit in 1860. I was very fortunate to step foot on the island this summer, and photograph the many sea lions who call it home. I find these guys quite charismatic with there expressions and love photographing them.

20191005-DSC_8818 by Selena Rhodes Scofield, on Flickr

20191001-DSC_7903-2 by Selena Rhodes Scofield, on Flickr

20191001-DSC_8481 by Selena Rhodes Scofield, on Flickr

20191001-DSC_8336 by Selena Rhodes Scofield, on Flickr

DSC_7926 by Selena Rhodes Scofield, on Flickr

20191001-DSC_7951 by Selena Rhodes Scofield, on Flickr

20191001-DSC_8603 by Selena Rhodes Scofield, on Flickr

20191001-DSC_8569 by Selena Rhodes Scofield, on Flickr