My family and I recently went on a trip to Ft. Myers Florida. Although we were down there for my brothers wedding there was still time to sneak in some birding. The 2 birds I really wanted to photograph while I was there was the Burrowing Owl and the Reddish Egret and I was fortunate enough to get both. All pics taken with a 6D and 400mm F/5.6
The first image I feel lucky to have got as its on a natural perch, which isn't easy to find around their burrows. It was quite dark at the time so settings were ISO 3200, F/5.6, SS 1/40.
This was from the next morning. More light, but the perch isn't near as nice.
I followed this Reddish Egret around for a bit as its the only one I saw.
Brown Pelican
Snowy Egret
Tricolored Heron
Great Blue Heron