Bee-tween you all and me..I'm scared to death of the critters. The only shot I have of one and trust took all my nerve to get as close as I did. Great laugh for my husband watching me...![]()
This is a discussion on Bee One Cleared for Landing within the Animals (mammals, birds, insects etc.) forums, part of the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) category; Bee-tween you all and me..I'm scared to death of the critters. The only shot I have of one and trust ...
Bee-tween you all and me..I'm scared to death of the critters. The only shot I have of one and trust took all my nerve to get as close as I did. Great laugh for my husband watching me...![]()
My "bee" attempt this past summer out at my Mum's...