Yes herps (a herp is a reptile or amphibian for you curious folk.) These are some photos I took over the summer from Saskatchewan to New Brunswick.
Red Sided Gartersnake Mating Ball by KevinJMcRae, on Flickr
Eastern Painted Turtle by KevinJMcRae, on Flickr
Wood Turtle by KevinJMcRae, on Flickr
Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake by KevinJMcRae, on Flickr
Eastern Gartersnake by KevinJMcRae, on Flickr
Blanding's Turtle by KevinJMcRae, on Flickr
Northern Map Turtle by KevinJMcRae, on Flickr
Prairie Rattlesnake by KevinJMcRae, on Flickr
I hope you enjoyed some of these uncommonly seen animals.