I've mentioned I enjoy taking shots of birds a few times here so I thought I might show you some. This morning my wife and I went out and took various photos including these ones I got below.
Both birds are reasonably common around our area. Although we've had both lately in our backyard I got these ones from around coastline a few k's away.
1stly ... the Rose Breasted Cockatoo. We call them Galah's here in Aussie and, because they are funny to watch clowning around (they are renowned for hanging upside down or lying on their backs in the grass), we also call folks who clown around 'Galahs'.
Larger Version http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3308/...d4dbc2e0_o.jpg
Larger Version http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3364/...ed8d36fd_o.jpg
Larger Version http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3319/...0f830b65_o.jpg