The adults caught the first decent north wind a few days ago, but I'm still left with a few juvenile. The great thing about the juveniles is they tend to give me more dramatic poses. Each time I'm out shooting I will get 100+ pics, but a couple of them will be just a little better than the rest, and usually that just because of the pose. You never know what you are getting when you are taking the pics, I just shoot and hope for the best.
Here are few from the last couple days.
I was working with Marko trying to come up with a Facebook "cover" photo, which is surprisingly hard given the wide aspect dimensions. This promted me to try a set to spefically try to get a wider aspect ration where the composition works.
Here is short video as well. I had actually set up to take some photos, but there was too much ambient light, so I decided to try some video for the first time. It was a cloudy day, and I was set up to use flash so the WB is a little off. Audio kinda sucks as you hear a fountain and my little 2 year old but....
This was the last day I saw the adults around before they headed off on their southern migration.
Male Ruby Throated Hummingbird - YouTube