I was so excited this year to see the hummingbirds buzzing around my garden. The loved the delphiniums but when those were done they switched to the feeder. I will be planting more flowers next year to attract them. It seemed that there would be tons around but as soon as I grabbed my camera they would disappear. So one day I just sat down close to the feeder and lurked. Ed laughed at me but that's okay.
I got a few shots:
this is the best for sharpness but not comp:
hummer2 by bambe1964, on Flickr
this was a standoff between 2 or maybe they were mates. I have no idea but I do know that they are fiercely territorial. As JAS pointed out it looks like the clothespins that were in the flintstones!
chatting by bambe1964, on Flickr
liked the wing blur but missed the sharpness of the head:
Buzz by bambe1964, on Flickr
I'm on a learning curve here so any suggestions are welcome!