Wonderful macros, Doug. An excellent set. I can't pick a favourite, I like 'em all.
This is a discussion on Favourite Bug Shots within the Animals (mammals, birds, insects etc.) forums, part of the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) category; Wonderful macros, Doug. An excellent set. I can't pick a favourite, I like 'em all....
Wonderful macros, Doug. An excellent set. I can't pick a favourite, I like 'em all.
Thanks all, for the nice comments. Macro photography can be very demanding - especially the really high-mag stuff. The slightest miscue with focus or camera vibration can spoil the image. To minimize these, I use a small tripod (whenever possible), fire the shutter via cable release, use mirror lockup (if the subject's not moving) and use the camera's flash at 1/200th sec. shutter speed. The flash is modified to diffuse and direct the light where I need it. I'll post a few images of my homemade mod (costs only a few cents) in the photo gear section. Using the flash is a big help. It enables me to stop down the aperture, increasing the tiny depth of field.