Thanks Bambi
This is a discussion on Brown Falcon within the Animals (mammals, birds, insects etc.) forums, part of the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) category; Thanks Bambi...
Very nice MA!
Such a pretty girl. A pretty dam good hunter too! Great shots M.A. Shame she got shot. Birds like this do way more good than any harm. They keep the rodent population any other vermin under control.
Thanks JAS. She may not live free anymore but she has a great owner ... top guy who is passionate about his birds.
As a safety measure some airports here use trained birds of prey to help keep the bird population down. I would like to think that this bird being shot was an error by someone not paying attention.
I stand corrected (by myself no less) ... just went and searched that Andrew and we do indeed emply many bird control measures around our airports, including shooting on rare occasions.