So by now you guys know I'm not a wildlife photographer by any stretch. An amazing thing happened yesterday though. My flickr friend Ed and I met up for lunch and a quick walk down by the Merrimack River. There's a junction where a small brook feeds into the big river and we were shooting in there when a young GBH came to join us about 20 feet away. At first we didn't dare move for fear of it flying off, you know how skittish they are. But it didn't seem to care much about what we did. Unfortunately I didn't have a long lens with me and so couldn't get a more isolated shot that this -
It's taken with my normal zoom lens at an amazing 1/15 of a second. Before they strike, GBHes are still as statues. The little girl/guy caught 3 fishes while we watched. I've never been so close to one without it either being dead or flying away (Ed and I saw a dead one about 1/2 hour earlier than this much nicer encounter). Amazing hunters they fast it's like you blink and suddenly they have a fish. Anyway, even as we packed up and walked away, it just watched us impassively.