...appetite. Didn't really know about how this fella was eyeing us up.
(PS. Sorry about lighting, was terrible that day).
This is a discussion on Raven..ous.... within the Animals (mammals, birds, insects etc.) forums, part of the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) category; ...appetite. Didn't really know about how this fella was eyeing us up. (PS. Sorry about lighting, was terrible that day)....
...appetite. Didn't really know about how this fella was eyeing us up.
(PS. Sorry about lighting, was terrible that day).
Reality is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there!
oh how I love ravens and wish we had them instead of only crows. nice action-y pose and good feather detail.
Thanks a bunch Kat, and WD.
Love the Ravens also, especially their acrobatics on the wind currents coming up the cliffs, and their vocalization is just awesome.
Reality is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there!
oh yeah, that bill clicking they do seems like morse code sometimes. I've often thought they would be a challenging and not-so-great-pet...but if I had an outdoor aviary I'd love to steal some eggs & try to hand-raise one. In my dreams of course.
I love the blue in his wings and his pose is really interesting.
well made, love the comp and clarity in this
" A good photograph is one that communicates a fact, touches the heart and leaves the viewer a changed person for having seen it. " Irving Penn
" There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs." - Ansel Adams
Thanks a lot Ed.
Reality is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there!
Loving the pose and stare.