I took the dogs for their walk yesterday and as I was moseying along I could hear Belle barking loudly. I realized that this was not her normal 'whee' bark so I hustled along to see her and D'Arcy circling a porcupine. Now D'Arcy has had 2 encounters with porcupines and lost both so he's looking at me and making little pounces to the critter but not getting any closer. I call him and he comes looking quite relieved. Belle's history I don't know so I call her expecting that she's got a face full. But nope, not one. So I suspect she's encountered one before.
It's a young one and I've been trying to get shots of it for a while now with no success. so I'm not going to miss this opportunity and I put the dogs in a down stay and go closer to get my shot. He/She is NOT impressed and starts to climb the tree. the light sucks but it's probably as close as I will get in the wild so here it is: