Hi members,
In case you are new around here this is where the Admin (me) chooses one excellent photo each month from the Show forum, the critique forum and the assignment forum to talk about and suggest why it is good as a learning tool. Just so it's clear, the photo I choose is not necessarily the best one of the month. I've come to realize it's not really logical to pit images from totally different genres against each other. That's why there are categories in photo contests. My goal is to simply choose an excellent photo and talk about why I think it rocks.
I have spent several hours going through every single thread from July 2009 from the Show forums, the assignment forums and the critique forum....and it's getting harder and harder to choose one image.
This month's choice is Little blue flower by raiven
I chose this image for several reasons. Firstly, it stopped me in my tracks. It pops. It pops primarily because of the of the way the tones compliment each other. The focal point is clear (main flower toward center) and yet my eye enjoys looking around at the other flowers and shapes.
I like how this is an unconventional flower shot. It's more about the sum total of the 'mood' rather than the beauty of perfect flowers. The cooler blue tones work in an excellent fashion to achieve this mood. The treatment just works. The flowers themselves are not as beautiful as the overall mood, and yet they are still lovely. It has both a concrete feel as well as a somewhat abstract painterly feel. I also think the square format works here.
For all these reasons, this is my choice for image of the month.
Since we all have opinions, some members may disagree with my choice. That's cool but THIS thread is not the place for debate over my pick, NOR is it the place to further critique the image. The purpose here is to suggest strong elements in the photo that we may learn from.
Congrats again raiven for creating this beautiful image!