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Joanne Chilton - Mindful Creations


Emilee's Soul - 1999

If you have Grandchildren, you would understand what it means to fully enjoy and connect with these little gifts of love. Little Emilee, my granddaughter, is just one of those gifts that I recently had the pleasure of connecting with for two weeks. The image "Emilee's Soul", is of the feathers of a swan who was in the same garden she played in with her mom. The white pureness of the feathers represents my granddaughter's soul and the innocence of a young child who has given love unconditionally and brought new meaning and joy in my life. Emie, this one's for you.



Blue Mystery - 1999

Once in a while I get this burst of inspiration at the strangest times and places. More than once have I gone to cash in some bottles at one of the local bottle exchanges and every time I've gone, spotted something different and unique just hanging around in this wonderful place. During one of my drop-offs I saw this blue bin sitting out looking rather inviting. I looked inside and to my surprise I found a treasure that could have kept me there for hours. As it was, one young man came out and asked me what it was that I was taking a picture of in the blue bin. I had to hold back the excitement and just tell him, "just some designs and stuff". "Blue Mystery", creates a sense of magic that each person can look at and see whatever they want to see.


Two Singing Hearts - 2000

...The intimate songs of two...danced endlessly from dusk to dawn.




Enchanted Forest - 2000
...Among the bells of blue in Spring, I wait in quiet stance. And in the mid-day hour I see, Pillywiggins dancing round the tree.


Copyright © Joanne Chilton 2000. All images are protected by international copyright laws.

Joanne's style of Photography that she most connects and works with is Miksang Contemplative Photography. Miksang means "Good Eye" in Tibetan. She plans to further her study in the Contemplative Arts by taking courses that deepen and enhance her work.

Some of Joanne's sources of inspiration are nature, cracked paint and rust. Women who speak their truths, and believe in themselves. Other sources are, Ghandi, Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hanh along with some of the masters of photography such as, Edward Weston, Minor White, and Henri Cartier-Bresson.