Fraser Island Australia by Mad Aussie

For the past cou­ple of years, a few times a year, Mod­er­a­tor Mad Aussie (Astro­vi­sual on Flickr) on our pho­tog­ra­phy forum posts won­der­ful pho­tographs of his trav­els though Aus­tralia. Recently Mad Aussie vis­ited Fraser Island, Aus­tralia and posted quite a lovely vari­ety of images. I really like the way these fab  images and text are pre­sented so I thought I’d share them with you and say thanks to Mad Aussie for shar­ing them with us.

The Maheno Shipwreck by Mad Aussie (Astrovisual)

The Maheno Ship­wreck by Mad Aussie (Astrovisual)