Bring your camera everywhere — resolutions

It’s so obvi­ous. Just bring your cam­era every­where and you’ll take more pic­tures.
By tak­ing more pic­tures, you’ll learn what works well and what doesn’t.
You won’t regret miss­ing shots.
When you SEE that great light you’ll be there to record it.

So that’s one res­o­lu­tion that I’ll try to stick with this year. I intend to bring my cam­era every­where. (I have a lot of gear so I’m only bring­ing 1 DSLR body, 1 lens and 1 flash)

Another res­o­lu­tion will be to do more reviews. I get a fair amount of email ask­ing me what I use in terms of equip­ment or what I sug­gest. This com­ing year, I intend to share more of what I think are great photo prod­ucts. From photo gear to soft­ware to wires to books — reviews are coming.

Happy new year every­one! All the best for 2008 — Keep on shooting!

Interview with Ann Dahlgren — A Fairy’s Child — photography podcast # 9

Pho­to­graph by Ann Dahlgren and Dou­glas Foulke

This show fea­tures an inter­view with fine art pho­tog­ra­pher Ann Dahlgren. Together with her hus­band Dou­glas Foulke, they cre­ated an amaz­ing book of fine art pho­tog­ra­phy called A Fairy’s Child which is the focus of this interview.

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast tran­script #9

Interview with Ann Dahlgren — A Fairy’s Child — photography podcast # 9

Pho­to­graph by Ann Dahlgren and Dou­glas Foulke

This show fea­tures an inter­view with fine art pho­tog­ra­pher Ann Dahlgren. Together with her hus­band Dou­glas Foulke, they cre­ated an amaz­ing book of fine art pho­tog­ra­phy called  A Fairy’s Child which is the focus of this interview.

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast tran­script #9

Exposure in photography — photography podcast #6

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast #6 is ready for down­load­ing or sub­scrib­ing. In this pod­cast we talk about basic expo­sure in pho­tog­ra­phy. We go through tech­niques involv­ing using a gray card and we talk about reflec­tive, inci­dent and spot metering.

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast tran­script 6