Why is the snow grey? What happened?

Thanks to casil403 of our pho­tog­ra­phy forum for the use of these pics. So what hap­pened here? Why is the snow grey when every­one knows that snow is white.

Basic expo­sure is a com­mon area of con­fu­sion for new­com­ers in pho­tog­ra­phy and these pho­tos are PERFECT teach­ing tools.So what hap­pened here? Why is the snow grey(ish) — after all, the pho­tog­ra­pher used a cam­era meter right?

Grey snow

Grey snow

Here is why this shot did not come out. This is text­book basic expo­sure and you NEED to under­stand this if you want the fog to lift and move up a level with your pho­tog­ra­phy.‚ Here goes:

All a cam­era is, is hole with a flap over it. When the flap is lifted light hits film or a sen­sor. On mod­ern cam­eras, depend­ing on the set­ting you use, the camera’s meter sug­gests an expo­sure. This sug­ges­tion is good one in the fol­low­ing con­di­tion;

– When there is a good rep­re­sen­ta­tion of light and dark tones. This is called a nor­mal scene.


Since these shots above have a pre­pon­der­ance of white highly reflec­tive snow and NOT enough other tones to bal­ance out the scene, This is NOT a nor­mal scene. The camera’s meter there­fore, will NOT be accu­rate in cases like this (even if your cam­era costs 3,000‚ or 10,000 dol­lars) and if you use the camera’s meter read­ing in this case you will NEVER EVER get white snow. You have to make adjust­ments to the meter’s read­ing. This is why a mon­key can take a pic­ture, but not a good picture.

In this case, what the cam­era is doing is say­ing “Holy crap bat­man, look at all that white snow, it’s so bright; I bet­ter CUT the expo­sure to bal­ance out the scene”. That’s what the meter does here — It tells the cam­era to cut the expo­sure and so it is too dark. To rem­edy this you need to give the scene MORE light by increas­ing the expo­sure by 1 to 2 stops.

The exact oppo­site is true as well. Let’s say you have a white dog on black pave­ment or just a shot of black pave­ment. In that case the camera’s meter will say “Holy crap bat­man, look at all that black pave­ment , it’s so dark; I bet­ter INCREASE the expo­sure to bal­ance out the scene”. And in that case as well, the black pave­ment will look grey because the meter is try­ing to aver­age out the tones in the scene toward mid-grey. To rem­edy this you need to give the scene LESS light by decreas­ing the expo­sure by 1 to 2 stops.

I hope that made sense. You can fol­low the whole thread (topic) here on our pho­tog­ra­phy forum and read the advice of dif­fer­ent mem­bers. If you still have ques­tions, join for free and post in that thread (or start a new one). It’s our plea­sure to help.

63 — Review of the Colormunki and the i1XTreme

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast #63 fea­tures a review of the Col­or­munki and the i1XTreme monitor/printer/projector pro­fil­ing sys­tems. These are hard­ware sys­tems that use a spec­tropho­tome­ter to mea­sure the color from hard­ware devices like mon­i­tors, print­ers, pro­jec­tors (and in the case of the i1XTreme, scan­ners and cam­eras as well). So many of us are print­ing from our homes, offices or home-offices and we want accu­rate colours from our RGB or CMYK print­ers. These hard­ware devices absolutely sim­plify this extremely con­fus­ing process and both prod­ucts come highly rec­om­mended. After the review, we ask Joe Brady of MAC­grou­pUS in a tele­phone inter­view, to clar­ify what we need to do in Photoshop’s print­ing dia­logue boxes to assure us of a good mon­i­tor to printer print. This is a com­mon area of con­fu­sion for many pho­tog­ra­phers try­ing to print on their own printers.

UPDATE — In the pod­cast I say that the Col­or­Munki is restricted to use on 3 mon­i­tors. This restric­tion has been lifted.

The ColorMunki

The Col­or­Munki



Photoshops dialogue boxes

Photoshop’s dia­logue boxes

Links men­tioned in this pod­cast:

Col­or­Munki sum­mary tuto­r­ial on Youtube

X-rite Eye One ( i1 ) 1 of 2 — Mon­i­tor Setup from colorHQ.com
X-rite Eye One ( i1 ) 2 of 2 — Mon­i­tor Adjust­ments from colorHQ.com
Pod­cast #62 — Mon­i­tor — printer cal­i­bra­tion (an intro­duc­tion) — Inter­view with Joe Brady
Pur­chase the col­or­Munki at B&H — Pur­chase the i1XTreme at B&H (what I reviewed) Pur­chase the i1 Photo at B&H (a good alter­na­tive if you don’t need the extra bells and whis­tles).
Joe Brady Photography

Link I for­got to men­tion — Just like there are bet­ter mon­i­tors for pho­tog­ra­phy, there are bet­ter print­ers with good print dri­vers that work well with the 2 sys­tems reviewed in this pod­cast. 2 rec­om­mended print­ers Epson R1900 and Epson R2880 at B&H

If you are still lurk­ing, feel free to join our friendly :) Pho­tog­ra­phy forum

Thanks as always to Steven K, benny, Lovin and SuzieQ who posted a blog com­ment about our last pod­cast and to all the new mem­bers of the bul­letin board.

If you are look­ing at this mate­r­ial on any other site except Photography.ca — Please hop on over to the Photography.ca blog and pod­cast and get this and other pho­tog­ra­phy info directly from the source. I Sub­scribe with iTunes I Sub­scribe via RSS feed I Sub­scribe with Google Reader I Sub­scribe for free to the Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast — Photography.ca and get all the posts/podcasts by Email
You can down­load this pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast directly by click­ing the pre­ced­ing link or lis­ten to it almost imme­di­ately with the embed­ded player below.

Another ‘Mad Moment’ — Self Improvement — by Mad Aussie

G’day once more Photography.ca fans.

Another week flashes by, and the Photography.ca forums have hus­tled and bus­tled along quite nicely as usual lately. Lots of new peo­ple join­ing in the fun and learn­ing which is great to see!

My ‘Mad Moment’ this time around is on ‘Self Improve­ment’ and we have two threads in the forum (one by raiven and one by Greg Nus­pel) that dis­cuss this sub­ject. Do you go out to shoot a mas­ter­piece but return with a piece of some­thing else? Do you feel like you are doing every­thing you can to cre­ate a work of art and only end up with some­thing that rhymes with art? Yeh, we all do that sometimes.

So then, how do you go about lift­ing your pho­tog­ra­phy skills? Are there reg­u­lar ways and tech­niques one might apply to their weekly pho­tog­ra­phy that might advance their skills? Can you pro­duce bet­ter images on a more reg­u­lar basis? Well, quite a few of the Photography.ca mem­bers seem to have var­i­ous ideas on this sub­ject so fol­low the two links below to read about how you can learn from them.

Even bet­ter, join the forums if you haven’t already and explore ALL the ways you can learn inter­ac­tively with Marko and the Photography.ca members.

Forum Threads
Improv­ing One’s Pho­tog­ra­phy
Self Improve­ment Assignments

By Mad Aussie — Photography.ca blog con­trib­u­tor & forum mem­ber

Another ‘Mad Moment’ — Self Improvement — by Mad Aussie

G’day once more Photography.ca fans.

Another week flashes by, and the Photography.ca forums have hus­tled and bus­tled along quite nicely as usual lately. Lots of new peo­ple join­ing in the fun and learn­ing which is great to see!

My ‘Mad Moment’ this time around is on ‘Self Improve­ment’ and we have two threads in the forum (one by raiven and one by Greg Nus­pel) that dis­cuss this sub­ject. Do you go out to shoot a mas­ter­piece but return with a piece of some­thing else? Do you feel like you are doing every­thing you can to cre­ate a work of art and only end up with some­thing that rhymes with art? Yeh, we all do that sometimes.

So then, how do you go about lift­ing your pho­tog­ra­phy skills? Are there reg­u­lar ways and tech­niques one might apply to their weekly pho­tog­ra­phy that might advance their skills? Can you pro­duce bet­ter images on a more reg­u­lar basis? Well, quite a few of the Photography.ca mem­bers seem to have var­i­ous ideas on this sub­ject so fol­low the two links below to read about how you can learn from them.

Even bet­ter, join the forums if you haven’t already and explore ALL the ways you can learn inter­ac­tively with Marko and the Photography.ca members.

Forum Threads
Improv­ing One’s Pho­tog­ra­phy
Self Improve­ment Assignments

By Mad Aussie — Photography.ca blog con­trib­u­tor & forum mem­ber

Program modes — A ‘Mad’ Moment by Mad Aussie

Hello Photography.ca fans, mem­bers and lurk­ers.
Our forums here are a very con­struc­tive way to help move your pho­tog­ra­phy for­ward in a pos­i­tive man­ner and within the forums, blog entries and pod­casts, you can find a vari­ety of means to suit you and your cur­rent level of pho­tog­ra­phy skill and interest.

A cool exam­ple of this, and my ‘moment’ for today is a thread in the forums which asks a ques­tion and the rea­son for why one answered as they did.

The ques­tion is ‘What Mode Do You Use?’

Many pho­tog­ra­phers ignore many of the options avail­able to them and many of us are unaware of how some of these modes can ben­e­fit us in spe­cific ways. Learn­ing what modes peo­ple are using on their cam­eras and for what sit­u­a­tions they employ these modes goes a long way to help­ing us under­stand­ing how we can ben­e­fit also.

To visit the thread of my ‘moment’ fol­low me HERE

Mad Aussie — Photography.ca blog con­trib­u­tor & forum mem­ber

Program modes — A ‘Mad’ Moment by Mad Aussie

Hello Photography.ca fans, mem­bers and lurk­ers.
Our forums here are a very con­struc­tive way to help move your pho­tog­ra­phy for­ward in a pos­i­tive man­ner and within the forums, blog entries and pod­casts, you can find a vari­ety of means to suit you and your cur­rent level of pho­tog­ra­phy skill and interest.

A cool exam­ple of this, and my ‘moment’ for today is a thread in the forums which asks a ques­tion and the rea­son for why one answered as they did.

The ques­tion is ‘What Mode Do You Use?’

Many pho­tog­ra­phers ignore many of the options avail­able to them and many of us are unaware of how some of these modes can ben­e­fit us in spe­cific ways. Learn­ing what modes peo­ple are using on their cam­eras and for what sit­u­a­tions they employ these modes goes a long way to help­ing us under­stand­ing how we can ben­e­fit also.

To visit the thread of my ‘moment’ fol­low me HERE

Mad Aussie — Photography.ca blog con­trib­u­tor & forum mem­ber

Photography.ca winning member images

For the past 2 months we have added a new fea­ture on our pho­tog­ra­phy bul­letin board where the Admin on Photography.ca (Me, Marko),‚ chooses 1 photo that he thinks is great and talks about the photo. The Eagle photo below by kentw was my choice for this month. (check the pre­vi­ous link for the explanation).

We have lots of pho­tographs being sub­mit­ted each month on our forum for cri­tiques, assign­ments or just to show the photo. Choos­ing Kent’s photo as the ‘win­ner’ took about 3.5 hours of care­ful sift­ing. Given that it took so long to choose, I came across many many many close con­tenders. Seems like a waste of time just to include 1 photo so I’d like to include 3 hon­ourable men­tions right here.

If you haven’t joined our forum I would encour­age you to do so. We are an extremely friendly bunch that share and learn daily.

Here’s the win­ning photo:

Eagles on the Mississippi by kentw

Eagles on the Mis­sis­sippi by kentw

Here are the 3 hon­ourable mentions:

A leaf in water by Michaelaw

A leaf in water by Michaelaw

From Exploring b/w thread by Mad Aussie

From ‘Explor­ing b/w thread’ by Mad Aussie

Shot of my dd...by ~Carla~

Shot of my dd…by ~Carla~

62 — Monitor — printer calibration — Interview with Joe Brady

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast #62 fea­tures an intro­duc­tion into mon­i­tor cal­i­bra­tion and pro­fil­ing and printer cal­i­bra­tion and pro­fil­ing by way of an inter­view with Joe Brady of MAC­grou­pUS. Joe clears up many com­mon ques­tions that we have when it comes to mon­i­tor pro­fil­ing and tells us straight up why hard­ware devices that pro­file your mon­i­tor are vastly supe­rior to the pro­fil­ing soft­ware that comes with mon­i­tors. We talk about colour space, ICC pro­files and how (unfor­tu­nately) the aver­age pho­tog­ra­pher is using a bad mon­i­tor and a flawed work­flow to proof their work. The next pod­cast will fea­ture a full review of the col­or­munki and i1XTreme hard­ware pro­fil­ing devices gra­ciously loaned to me by MACgroupUS.

This image is just to illus­trate a point. On the left is an image off of an UNcal­i­brated Eizo Mon­i­tor. On the right is that same image on a mid-range mon­i­tor that I thought was some­what cal­i­brated. Side by side you can see how the Eizo has a greater tonal range and less of a cast. The results are WAY more dra­matic when you see the result­ing prints with your eyes. When you actu­ally cal­i­brate and pro­file the mon­i­tor using qual­ity cal­i­bra­tion hard­ware, you get the best (or close to the best) result that the par­tic­u­lar mon­i­tor can deliver. This usu­ally trans­lates to a wider tonal range with whites being whiter and blacks cast free as well, com­pared to the pre-calibrated monitor.

Links men­tioned in this podcast:

col­or­munki train­ing — Videos on using color munki along with color the­ory
Guess what it is thread

Assign­ments on our pho­tog­ra­phy bul­letin board:
March 2009 Photo Assign­ment — Wind
March 2009 — Assign­ment — pho­tograph­ing words — Wind

Thanks as always to Susan, Steven K, Jla­bel, Kent Wil­son and Tony who posted a blog com­ment about our last pod­cast and to all the new mem­bers of the bul­letin board.

If you are look­ing at this mate­r­ial on any other site except Photography.ca — Please hop on over to the Photography.ca blog and pod­cast and get this and other pho­tog­ra­phy info directly from the source. I Sub­scribe with iTunes I Sub­scribe via RSS feed I Sub­scribe with Google Reader I Sub­scribe for free to the Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast — Photography.ca and get all the posts/podcasts by Email
You can down­load this pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast directly by click­ing the pre­ced­ing link or lis­ten to it almost imme­di­ately with the embed­ded player below.

61 — What makes a Photo Great

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast #61 talks about what makes a photo great. Given that most of us try hard to pro­duce the best pho­tographs we can, in this pod­cast we are try­ing to come up with the cri­te­ria needed to cre­ate great pho­tographs. I offer my per­sonal opin­ion on the mat­ter and I’d love to get com­ments telling me that I’m on to some­thing, or com­ments telling me that I’m full of it. These two pho­tographs below fit the bill for what I call great pho­tog­ra­phy. I dare you to chal­lenge me on these pho­tos, I dare you. This pod­cast is based on a sug­ges­tion from Mad Aussie in our forum. Many thanks Mad Aussie!

Afghan Girl — Steve McCurry

Melancholic Tulip - 1939 - Andre Kertesz

Melan­cholic Tulip — 1939 — Andre Kertesz

Links men­tioned in this pod­cast:
What makes a photo great? (Orig­i­nal thread that inspired this pod­cast)
Guess what it is thread
The image game
Marko’s Jan­u­ary 2009 pick for best mem­ber image
Nom­i­nate other member’s pho­tographs
Zen And The Art Of Motor­cy­cle Maintenance:an Inquiry Into Values

Assign­ments on our pho­tog­ra­phy bul­letin board:
Feb­ru­ary 2009 Photo Assign­ment — Love/Passion/Romance and Red should be a fea­ture
Febru­rary 2009 — Assign­ment — pho­tograph­ing words — Shadow
Febru­rary 2009 — Post pro­cess­ing assignment

Thanks as always to‚Susan and Benny who posted a blog com­ment about our last pod­cast and to all the new mem­bers of the bul­letin board.

If you are look­ing at this mate­r­ial on any other site except Photography.ca — Please hop on over to the Photography.ca blog and pod­cast and get this and other pho­tog­ra­phy info directly from the source. I Sub­scribe with iTunes I Sub­scribe via RSS feed I Sub­scribe with Google Reader I Sub­scribe for free to the Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast — Photography.ca and get all the posts/podcasts by Email
You can down­load this pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast directly by click­ing the pre­ced­ing link or lis­ten to it almost imme­di­ately with the embed­ded player below.

Portraits from the Plateau — Sylvain Grand’Maison

I took this shot for fel­low friend, art direc­tor and pod­caster Syl­vain Grand’Maison about a month ago. Syl­vain pro­duces an extremely suc­cess­ful French pod­cast here in Que­bec that fea­tures great pod­safe music,  great artists and does it all while drink­ing great beer and talk­ing about social media and podcasting.

Syl­vain needed some pho­tog­ra­phy done so we got together for a few hours and clicked the shut­ter. He specif­i­cally had a con­cept in mind and we focused mainly on his con­cept (can’t talk about it yet). After the shoot though, we also took some casual shots and many of them came out quite nice includ­ing this one.

Sylvain GrandMaison

Syl­vain Grand’Maison

Sylvain’s blond hair and eyes came out really well against this black back­ground and both he and I really dig this shot. In terms of light­ing, I used a Quan­tum flash in an umbrella at 45 degrees and a reflec­tor on the oppo­site site. I did a bit of soft­en­ing on his body and added some glow to his hair in post so that his face is the most strik­ing ele­ment in the shot. Exif data is 1/80 at F-7.0 ISO 400 at 75mm.