Painting with light — photography podcast #8

This pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast focuses on paint­ing with light, a tech­nique where you actu­ally illu­mi­nate or ‘paint’ a per­son or object with a light source like a flash­light. The results are fun and inter­est­ing and we hope you’ll com­ment. Below are some of the images talked about in the show. Click the pho­tographs to enlarge them.

painting with light photo painting with light photograph

painting with light photograph

painting with light

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast tran­script #8

Interview with Dita Kubin — Photography podcast #7

Soma by Dita Kubin

This show fea­tures a recent tele­phone inter­view with Mon­treal fine art pho­tog­ra­pher Dita Kubin. We talk about what moti­vates her work, her cre­ative process and even a bit about her camera/computer/printing technique.

And just like that. Bang. We’re already at the end of Decem­ber — it goes so fast.
Happy hol­i­days to every­one that lis­tens and that has sub­scribed.
More inter­view pod­casts with fine art pho­tog­ra­phers will be fea­tured in 2007 along with reviews and ‘how to’ pod­casts as well.

Happy hol­i­days every­one! Only the best for 2007!!!

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast tran­script #7

Exposure in photography — photography podcast #6

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast #6 is ready for down­load­ing or sub­scrib­ing. In this pod­cast we talk about basic expo­sure in pho­tog­ra­phy. We go through tech­niques involv­ing using a gray card and we talk about reflec­tive, inci­dent and spot metering.

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast tran­script 6

Nikon D80 versus Canon 30D — Photography Podcast 5

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast #5 is ready for down­load­ing or sub­scrib­ing. In this pod­cast we dis­cuss the mer­its of both cam­eras and why I chose 1 over the other. Thanks to Dominic Fuiz­zotto for help­ing me with these tests. You can read seri­ously tech­ni­cal com­par­isons of these and other cameras‚at The images below are from my test. I tried to be as con­sis­tent as pos­si­ble. Note that there are some pro­por­tion dif­fer­ences but that is attrib­ut­able to the fact that the Canon is an 8.2 mega pixel cam­era and the Nikon is a 10.2 mega pixel cam­era. These eyes in these images were cropped from the orig­i­nal ‘raw’ images at 100% mag­ni­fi­ca­tion. They were saved as jpegs at 90% qual­ity, the ISO was 800. At lower ISOs there was no difference.

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast tran­script #5

Fill flash — Photography podcast # 4

This pod­cast is ded­i­cated to fill flash in por­trai­ture. When do you want to use fill flash? You want to use fill flash when­ever your subject’s face can use a bit of extra light. If you don’t see the player below, click here to learn how to use fill flash in pho­tog­ra­phy. Pic­tures accom­pa­ny­ing this pod­cast will be uploaded shortly.

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast tran­script #4 podcast #3 — Traditional photography versus digital photography

This is an opin­ion pod­cast ded­i­cated to a ques­tion that gets asked over and over again; which is bet­ter tra­di­tional pho­tog­ra­phy or dig­i­tal pho­tog­ra­phy? I try not to hedge and give straight up answers. Is tra­di­tional pho­tog­ra­phy bet­ter than dig­i­tal pho­tog­ra­phy? Click to listen.

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast tran­script # 3

Depth of field — Photography podcast # 2 —

Our sec­ond pod­cast is ded­i­cated to depth of field. We dis­cuss in pretty good depth how to become more cre­ative with depth of field. These 2 pho­tographs below illus­trate the dif­fer­ences between smaller and larger depths of field. Remem­ber: A smaller aper­ture like F 16 results in both the back­ground and the fore­ground being pretty sharp. A larger aper­ture like F 2.0 results in a sharp fore­ground and unsharp back­ground. If you’d rather read the dif­fer­ences instead of lis­ten­ing to the pod­cast below, a good depth of field expla­na­tion is located here.

F-16 — Large depth of field. Image sharp throughout.

F-2.0 — Shal­low depth of field. Only the fore­ground is sharp

If you see the player, use the player below to lis­ten to the pod­cast — it’s faster. If you don’t see the player click the link below.

You can down­load our sec­ond pod­cast here.

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast tran­script #2

Welcome to the first podcast!

I’m Marko the Admin of and in this our first pod­cast I’ll tell you a lit­tle bit about myself as well as pro­vide a pho­tog­ra­phy tip. This week’s tip is about con­trol­ling the background.‚

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast tran­script #1