Backup your photos — CLONING your hard drive

There is no com­puter mal­func­tion as dev­as­tat­ing as los­ing the con­tents of your hard drive. This can hap­pen due to a virus, or a hard­ware or soft­ware mal­func­tion. Back­ing up your com­puter reg­u­larly is a must and there are sev­eral ways to do it. The most com­mon way is to use a pro­gram that breaks up the con­tents of your hard drive into chunks and save it on another exter­nal hard drive. In case of hard drive fail­ure, you can rebuild your old drive with those chunks.

Thatžs not the way I like to do it as my first line of defense. I con­fess, I still do backup that way as well, but itžs not my pri­mary way. Call me neu­rotic or squea­mish but I donžt like chunks.

If my hard drive fails and I have some­thing impor­tant to do, I want to have an EXACT COPY of my hard drive already saved. I donžt want to have to rebuild any­thing or look for a disk to reboot my com­puter with the saved chun­ked data. It should still work of course (as long as the inter­nal hard drive is not irrepara­bly dam­aged) and even­tu­ally you have to deal with the com­put­eržs prob­lem inter­nal drive, but who wants an ulcer? Frankly Ižll pay a wee bit for piece of mind.

The answer is to make a clone, a copy, or an exact intact image of your hard drive. That way, I can just take my exter­nal drive (which is a clone of my desk­top) attach it to old 50 dol­lar lap­top via USB and boom ‚” my whole com­puter shows up as a new drive on my lap­top. No need to look for any disks or reassem­ble chunks and ZERO down­time and zero lost files.‚

Herežs how I do it. I buy an exter­nal drive that is the exact same size as my com­put­eržs inter­nal drive. That way when I clone the drive, I clone it exactly. You should know that that backup exter­nal drive can ONLY be used for backup in this way. You canžt save other files on that exter­nal drive, you can only save the clone of your inter­nal hard drive. Each time you re-backup your com­puter onto that exter­nal, it deletes the pre­vi­ous backup. My 500 gig inter­nal drive takes about 1.5 hours to clone onto the West­ern Dig­i­tal 500 gig exter­nal drive (which costs $130.00 dol­lars 3 monts ago) via firewire (you can of course use USB).

There are many pro­grams that can do this but the one I use and like best is Acro­nis True Image 11. It costs about 50 dol­lars and you can try it for free. When you load it up youžll see dif­fer­ent choices on how to backup. To clone your hard drive DO NOT CHOOSE BACKUP AND RESTORE. That option backs up your hard drive in chunks. Instead choose DISK UTILITIES and then Clone Disk. I use man­ual mode after that and fol­low the prompts care­fully and I MAKE SURE TO ‹“KEEP DATAž WHEN IT ASKS HOW I WANT TO MODIFY MY OLD DRIVE AND I CHOOSE ‹“AS ISž (because both dri­ves are the exact same size) when it asks how I want to move data from the old to new drive.

The other pro­gram I am some­what famil­iar with that does just about the same thing is Nor­ton Ghost. Again to make an exact copy of your drive (non-chunk) donžt choose Back it up now, instead choose Copy My Hard drive (advanced) and fol­low the prompts very carefully.

Using either of these meth­ods gives you the peace of mind that even if your hard drive crashes in a ter­ri­ble way, you can still work from a new com­puter by plug­ging your exter­nal into it. Obvi­ously, youžll need to copy or clone your inter­nal drive reg­u­larly to have the fresh­est copy. If you have irre­place­able pho­tos and other files on your inter­nal hard drive, it is also safest to burn them to CD or DVD.

Lighting round faces — baldness — blemishes — Photography podcast #36

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast #36 focuses on think­ing about how dif­fer­ent types of light suit dif­fer­ent types of faces. We talk about how both short light­ing and side light­ing are good for rounder faces. We also talk about blem­ishes and baldness.

Many thanks to Mark McCall for allow­ing me to use this image (and expla­na­tion below the image) clearly show­ing the the slim­ming effect of short light­ing and the broad­en­ing effect of broad light­ing on a model’s face.

Broad Light­ing vs. Short Light­ing
Broad light­ing refers to light­ing up the face from the “broad” side, (widest part of the face from nose to ear from the cam­era angle).
Short light­ing refers to light­ing up the face from the “short” side, (side of the face turned away from the camera)

Short light­ing makes the face appear thin­ner in the image, and is the best choice for most sub­jects. Broad light­ing works best for thin faces.

Thanks as always for the com­ments by Yves Janse and Mikael. We LOVE com­ments and sug­ges­tions so please send more.

Wacom Tablet — anyone got tips?

So I just pur­chased a new Wacom tablet. I heard they rock and make photo edit­ing so much eas­ier. So after wast­ing 1/2 hour installing the fUC@**&%$en!!!!!! dri­ver which did NOT eas­ily install onto my Vista machine…here I go. My first instinct (to be fair after 10 min­utes of use) is that it is NOT as easy to use as every­one raves.

There seems to be an unnat­ural dis­con­nect in my brain between the size of the fixed nib on the pen and the brush size that you choose in pho­to­shop. I guess i will need to play and even check out the tuto­r­ial on the disk. If any­one has any tips or pointers…I’m all ears. Thanks!

Added on Feb. 18, 2007‚ — This com­ment and pic­ture by David Red­ding was really infor­ma­tive so I added it to this main post. Thanks David!

Here is a side by side of one of my touch up jobs. Now all of this could
have been done with a mouse, but I find I can be quite a bit more pre­cise
with the styl­ist. for exam­ple, if you take a look at the fore­head in the
retouched image, even at this web size you can make out skin details (good
luck doing that with a blur mask…I could never fig­ure out how). I am
able to do the touch up and main­tain skin tex­ture by first doing a round
of Cloning and Heal­ing at about 100–200% mag­ni­fi­ca­tion. Once I have
removed all the rather large blem­ishes and skin imper­fec­tions I use the
Brush tool in CS3 with a soft edge, the Pro­tect Tex­ture option in the
brush tool kit selected and an opac­ity of around 20%. I then sam­ple the
skin for colour and just paint on the skin correction.

the biggest dif­fer­ence between the mouse and the styl­ist when doing
edit­ing jobs like this is with the mouse, when using the Brush tool, if
you set the Opac­ity to say 30% (or what ever set­ting) that is what you
get. But, with the styl­ist that same set­ting of 30% is just the max­i­mum,
you can achieve less with the pres­sure of the stylist.

Like I said in my response to you post­ing, the styl­ist does take some
get­ting use to.…How long have you been using a mouse for? But, once you
do get the set­tings to your lik­ing and actu­ally train your brain to use
the styl­ist instead of the mouse you will see how accu­rate you can be with
your editing.

Also, a graph­ics tablet can be a waste of money for some peo­ple. Really,
if all you really do in your edit­ing is crop­ping, curves, colour bal­anc­ing
(in RAW I hope) and sharp­en­ing, then a graph­ics tablet is really a waste
of money. But, on the other hand. If you do a fair amount of touch­ing up
skin, dodg­ing and burn­ing or even cus­tom graph­ics like paint­ing on
pat­terns in you images, then a Tablet could be your sav­ing grace.

Even at the end of the day the ‘machine’ keeps working

Now that I’ve resolved to take my cam­era with me more often, I’m likely to shoot more city scapes…like this one. This is just a small part of the enor­mous Shell refin­ery on the east­ern part of the island Mon­treal. It was a quick shot since the light was fad­ing fast. It was shot at ISO 1000 at 1/80 at F.2.8.

Shots like these tend to bother me some­what. There is a sense of indus­try here. Things are hap­pen­ing. Machines are work­ing. Machines are polluting.

.…..and yet the colours and the con­trast seem intrigu­ing. What do you think?

photograph of refinery

Even at the end of the day the ‘machine’ keeps working

Now that I’ve resolved to take my cam­era with me more often, I’m likely to shoot more city scapes…like this one. This is just a small part of the enor­mous Shell refin­ery on the east­ern part of the island Mon­treal. It was a quick shot since the light was fad­ing fast. It was shot at ISO 1000 at 1/80 at F.2.8.

Shots like these tend to bother me some­what. There is a sense of indus­try here. Things are hap­pen­ing. Machines are work­ing. Machines are polluting.

.…..and yet the colours and the con­trast seem intrigu­ing. What do you think?

photograph of refinery

Clamps, stands, arms and adapters — Photography podcast #35

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast #35 is all about using sim­ple acces­sories to make your photo shoots go smoother. In par­tic­u­lar, we dis­cuss clamps, magic arms, flash adapters and light stands. All of the acces­sories can be used in mul­ti­ple ways mak­ing them extremely ver­sa­tile in a vari­ety of shoot­ing situations.

Manfrotto superclamp 035
Man­frotto Super­clamp #035

Manfrotto spring clamp 175F
Man­frotto spring clamp #175 with threaded adapter (088)

Manfrotto spring clamp with flash mount
Man­frotto spring clamp‚#175F with flash mount

Manfrotto magic arm 237HD
Man­frotto flex­i­ble magic arm #237 HD

Opus umbrella mount OPL-SW0316
Opus umbrella mount OPL-SW0316

Opus umbrella mount on manfrotto master stand 004
Opus umbrella mount on man­frotto mas­ter stand #004

Superclamp 035 attached to magic arm attached to springclamp 175
Super­clamp with arm attached to spring clamp

master light stand 004 with arm and superclamp holding a reflector
Extendible arm on man­frotto mas­ter stand #004
attached to super­clamp hold­ing a 32.5 inch reflector

Pur­chas­ing these items through these links helps sup­port this site:

Man­frotto super clamp at B&H
Man­frotto super clamp at Amazon

Man­frotto spring clamp with flash shoe at B&H
Man­frotto spring clamp with flash shoe at Amazon

Manfrotto‚flexible arm‚at B&H
Man­frotto flex­i­ble arm at Amazon

Manfrotto‚master light stand‚at B&H
Man­frotto mas­ter light stand at Amazon

Photoflex (sim­i­lar to‚Opus) umbrella flash mount‚at B&H
Photoflex (sim­i­lar to Opus) umbrella flash mount at Amazon

You can down­load this pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast directly by click­ing the pre­ced­ing link or lis­ten to it almost imme­di­ately with the embed­ded player below this set of images.

Photo of the week
This week, the pho­to­graph is by Arkady Renko and I com­ment in the pod­cast on why I think this pho­to­graph is fantastic.

Arkady Renko - Stranger

Thanks as always for the com­ments by‚Samirah,‚ Carl­son Chu and Yves Janse. We LOVE com­ments and sug­ges­tions so please send more. Spe­cial thanks to Nico Pin who has helped make this blog more user friendly and look funkier.

Grab the light now — light waits for no one

Another res­o­lu­tion I am mak­ing this year (start­ing today) is not to tarry when I see great light. Great light doesn’t wait for you, great light doesn’t give a crap about your sched­ule — You wait for great light and when you see it you must grab it by its invis­i­ble balls.

Yes­ter­day was an amaz­ing exam­ple. I woke up and thick fog was every­where — Everywhere!


For me, fog is great light. It evokes a rare spe­cial mood and feel­ing.
.…but I’m a busy dude and work beck­ons me con­stantly so I checked the win­dow peri­od­i­cally while I waited until I was ready to shoot. Guess what — once I was ready the fog had almost dis­si­pated. Boy was I upset : (

So as a last resort I got into my car and chased the fog until I found the best patch I could find. It was okay fog and I think this self-portrait is not bad.

Point is — Now I have think about what could have been instead of know­ing that I was shoot­ing at the best pos­si­ble time.….

self portrait fog

Bring your camera everywhere — resolutions

It’s so obvi­ous. Just bring your cam­era every­where and you’ll take more pic­tures.
By tak­ing more pic­tures, you’ll learn what works well and what doesn’t.
You won’t regret miss­ing shots.
When you SEE that great light you’ll be there to record it.

So that’s one res­o­lu­tion that I’ll try to stick with this year. I intend to bring my cam­era every­where. (I have a lot of gear so I’m only bring­ing 1 DSLR body, 1 lens and 1 flash)

Another res­o­lu­tion will be to do more reviews. I get a fair amount of email ask­ing me what I use in terms of equip­ment or what I sug­gest. This com­ing year, I intend to share more of what I think are great photo prod­ucts. From photo gear to soft­ware to wires to books — reviews are coming.

Happy new year every­one! All the best for 2008 — Keep on shooting!

Christmas tree photography — Photo podcast #34

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast #34 talks about how to pho­to­graph Christ­mas tree lights or just Christ­mas lights. We focus on 2 tech­niques, using JUST the Christ­mas lights them­selves, or using on cam­era flash.

No flash christmas tree photograph
Christ­mas tree with only the lights themselves

christmas tree with flash
Christ­mas tree with on cam­era flash

This week, the pho­to­graph by John Gladdy and I com­ment in the pod­cast on why I think this pho­to­graph is fantastic.

– Thanks as always for the sug­ges­tion of this very pod­cast by Chris Smith. Thanks as well to Pierre B. for his com­ments on our last pod­cast on Stu­dio pho­tog­ra­phy for begin­ners. We LOVE com­ments and sug­ges­tions so please send more.

You can down­load this pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast directly by click­ing first link or lis­ten to it almost imme­di­ately with the embed­ded player below the photographs.

Too much snow jails you

This is what 40+ cen­time­tres of snow looks like when you are stuck inside. It looks and feels like jail. In this shot I tried to cap­ture ‘being snowed in’.

snow photograph

Photography portrait studio lighting for beginners — Photo podcast #33

photography portrait studio lighting

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast #33 talks about set­ting up a begin­ner pho­tog­ra­phy por­trait stu­dio. In this pod­cast we dis­cuss using dif­fer­ent types of flash sys­tems as great choices for in stu­dio por­traits. We talk about using small portable flashes, pack and head sys­tems and monoblock flash heads. We also touch on the acces­sories that you’ll need includ­ing a flash meter, umbrel­las, slaves, pc cords etc. Although the empha­sis is on inex­pen­sive stu­dio setups, any of these setups are likely to serve both tra­di­tional and dig­i­tal pho­tog­ra­phers very well for years to come.

Due to the length of this pod­cast we’ll skip photo of the week this time around.

Links men­tioned in this pod­cast include:
Alien bees
Pocket Wiz­ard

Thanks as always for com­ments by Al, on our last pod­cast on Mul­ti­ple expo­sure in pho­tog­ra­phy and thanks very much to Sami­rah of our pho­tog­ra­phy forum for her sug­ges­tion that inspired this par­tic­u­lar pod­cast. We LOVE com­ments and sug­ges­tions so please send more.

You can down­load this pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast directly by click­ing first link or lis­ten to it almost imme­di­ately with the embed­ded player below the pho­tographs.

Multiple exposure in photography — Photo podcast #32

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast #32‚talks about mul­ti­ple expo­sure in pho­tog­ra­phy. In this pod­cast we dis­cuss the dif­fer­ent ways we can cre­ate mul­ti­ple expo­sures includ­ing in cam­era mul­ti­ple expo­sures (with dig­i­tal and tra­di­tional cam­eras) as well as cre­at­ing mul­ti­ple expo­sures using an enlarger or Pho­to­shop.

The above 2 photographs‚were taken ‘in cam­era’ by expos­ing 2 images on 1 frame of film.

This week, the pho­to­graph by Esther Her­nan­dez known on Flickr as‚Maguapho­tos‚ is very apros pos because it is a mul­ti­ple expo­sure cre­ated in a graph­ics pro­gram. I com­ment in the pod­cast on why I think this pho­to­graph is fantastic.

multiple exposure

Other links men­tioned in this pod­cast;
Jerry Uels­mann‚- Mas­ter com­bi­na­tion printer
Pos­ing mod­els in pho­tog­ra­phy‚- cov­ers a wee bit of tegan’s sug­ges­tion‚
‚- Mas­ter com­bi­na­tion printer‚- cov­ers a wee bit of tegan’s sug­ges­tion‚‚- Mas­ter com­bi­na­tion printer‚- cov­ers a wee bit of tegan’s sug­ges­tion‚‚

‚- Thanks as always for com­ments by‚Rob, Al, DaronJ and Cindy on our last pod­cast on pho­tog­ra­phy tele­con­vert­ers . Thanks very much to Sami­rah and Tegan, mem­bers of our pho­tog­ra­phy forum‚for their sug­ges­tions on future pod­casts. We LOVE com­ments and sug­ges­tions so please send more.

You can down­load this pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast directly by click­ing first link or lis­ten to it almost imme­di­ately with the embed­ded player below the pho­tographs.