Hi everyone!
I’m Marko, the owner admin of the Photography.ca website. Normally when I post from the Photography.ca blog it is to publish a podcast, an image of the month or to feature photographs from different photographers. This post though is to invite you to see some new work that I have published on a new personal site called markokulik.com.
One of the reasons I started this new site is because I feel this Photography.ca website is devoted to the photography community at large and not my own personal work. But I have been shooting A LOT of personal work lately and wanted to feature the work in 1 place. In particular, I have been photographing cities at night using intentional camera movement and long exposures. You can see those images in the new gallery called Impressionistic Cities at Night. This is an ongoing project, and I will talk about and post new photos to that gallery regularly. I also intend to upload and talk about older work.
Although I almost never ask for favors.….I have a favor to ask if you enjoy my work. Please go to any page on markokulik.com and enter your email address at the top of any page to subscribe to updates. These updates will talk mainly about the work being produced and I will never sell, trade, share or pimp out your personal information in any way. You can cancel at anytime. Thanks so much in advance and here is a peek at the opening image on the site. Thanks again, Sincerely — Marko Kulik

Carré Jacques Cartier — Montréal by Marko Kulik
Marko , you picked a wonderful image for your front page. Simple and yet complex. A love the overall subdued hue , with the band of blue windows. And you have achieved converging ( diverging ) lines using camera motion . Many attempts end up as simply parallel lines. You have my attention. Michael
Thanks so much for the comment Michael — much appreciated!