Last month I went on a photo-tour in the Rockies led by Darwin Wiggett and after the tour was over he asked if we could send over our 6 faves for him to post on his site. Now that they have been posted on his site for a week or so I thought I’d also‚ post them here. Feel free to comment or critique any aspect of these images.

Icy Sunrise at Preacher‚„s Point, Abraham Lake, Alberta by Marko Kulik
The ice formations at Preacher‚„s Point were just awesome. I could have easily stayed there the entire day and the sunrise was also one of the best that we had. I spent a good part of the morning on my belly sliding on the ice looking for cool ice formations. Although the ice I laid on was solid, the lake was not totally frozen and I kept hearing ice cracking sounds which freaked me out quite a bit.

Ice Cave at Beauty Creek, Jasper National Park, Alberta by Marko Kulik
I must have 20 shots of this ‚Ëœice cave‚„. I kept moving closer and closer and closer until my footwear would not let me move any closer or my feet would have been soaked with ice-water. I was super-intrigued with the ice-forms to the right of the central rushing water as they seemed smoke-like to my eye.

Waveform at Coleman Creek, Banff National Park, Alberta by Marko Kulik
I really dug Coleman Creek and had the 105mm Macro on for close up details. The great thing about the 105 (I have the Nikon version) is that it‚„s also a lovely portrait lens. When I spotted the interplay between the water and the ice here, I immediately focused a few feet in front of me. I thought of surfing as I captured this waveform.

Junction, North Saskatchewan River, Banff National Park by Marko Kulik
The rushing water, the icicles, as well as the rock faces all caught my attention in this composition. I was also struck by the strong shapes and the interplay between them.

Icy Tree Reflection at Waterfowl Lake, Banff National Park, Alberta by Marko Kulik
I was struck by the painterly feel of this reflected tree in the ice. The cracked ice and textures made for a nice canvas for the tree‚„s reflection.

Ice Disks, Abraham Lake, Alberta by Marko Kulik
This was a challenging shot to get because I cut my pinky finger on the ice maybe 5 minutes before taking this shot. I was bleeding a bit and tried to stop it with kleenex and it worked for a while. Every time I needed real dexterity though I moved the kleenex and it started up again. Anyway it healed up nicely. Sorry if I spoiled any macro compositions for anyone. Wait a sec the interplay of blood and ice ‚œ that might have been cool! I chose to convert this image to black and white because the natural colours of rocks in the background were interfering with the form of the ice disks I wanted to highlight.
And those were the 6 that I sent off to Darwin. Just in case people are interested to see a few additional shots, I posted 2 threads in our forum here.