On December 3rd I suggested that the image of the day on this blog would mostly be my photography and 3 days later I’m here to tell you that it will be a mix of photography that I personally find interesting. Sometimes it will be my work but often it will be other people’s and on some days, like today it will be the work of a Master.
Today’s image is by Master photographer Paul Strand and it’s called Young Boy, Gondeville, Charente, France . I just love the fact that this image is almost 60 years old. It’s a very intense portrait of a boy staring right into the camera. What makes this portrait work for me are the very intense and sharp eyes along with good lighting that reveals texture in the fence, boy’s hair, face and clothing. The well chosen background suits the subject and suggests a working environment to me. The printing is also wonderful with a full range of tones (that show up better in reproductions and books versus here on the web).

Young Boy, Gondeville, Charente, France, 1951 by Paul Strand