Same subject different point of view

This month, again, we have a very cool assign­ment on our pho­tog­ra­phy forum.
The goal is to shoot a sub­ject from a dif­fer­ent point of view. We just started this assign­ment and already have many cool posts. Here’s one from forum mem­ber Bambi that rocks. If you are lurk­ing on our forum — we’re a friendly bunch so feel free to reg­is­ter for free and let’s see your creativity.

The Dogs view of the trail by Bambi - Click to enlarge

The Dogs’ view of the trail by Bambi — Click to enlarge


  1. I love the pic BAmbi :) There is noth­ing cuter that dog ears lis­ten­ing for where they want to run next. The idea of your forum is great, I do that with myself, pick a theme for a week and cap­ture it.

    Great cap­ture Bambi

  2. Bambio says:

    thanks Marko. Glad to know my dog pics are dri­ving every­one to dis­trac­tion. :)

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