What’s Up With Darwin Wiggett?

Good friend to Photography.ca, Dar­win Wiggett is offer­ing a very rea­son­ably priced 2 day sem­i­nar in Can­more, Alberta on April 24–25 2010.‚ I’m a HUGE Dar­win fan and I highly rec­om­mend his work. Although I haven’t yet taken a sem­i­nar with Dar­win, I expect to within the next year.

Dar­win has also just announced a new photo con­test (The Cana­dian Land­scape Photo Con­test) on his blog where the win­ning image gets pub­lished in Out­door Pho­tog­ra­phy Canada.

NMP9850 - Cochrane, Alberta - Frosted tree, fence and field near Cochrane, Alberta

NMP9850 — Cochrane, Alberta — Frosted tree, fence and field near Cochrane, Alberta — ‚© Dar­win Wiggett — All rights reserved.

Finally, Dar­win will also be fea­tured in our next pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast where he will share his insight on neu­tral den­sity fil­ters and grad­u­ated neu­tral den­sity fil­ters. This pod­cast should be recorded, edited and pub­lished next week so stay tuned for more Darwin.


  1. very nice image here Dar­win, look­ing for­ward to more of your blog­post… will add you to my RSS

  2. Benny says:

    Wow more great images from Dar­win, can’t wait for the next podcast.

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