The city and the people working as one — NOT

Every pho­tog­ra­pher has sub­ject mat­ter that inter­ests them more than other sub­ject mat­ter. For me, what gets me going the most is fine art pho­tog­ra­phy and por­trai­ture. However.….every once in a while I’ll pull out my cam­era to shoot dif­fer­ent sub­ject mat­ter. Gotta pay those bills. This morn­ing how­ever I pulled out my cam­era because I was sim­ply pissed off at my city. Look at what they are doing with our recy­cling. Does THIS look like a recy­cling truck?

I love Mon­treal. I find the city VERY pro­gres­sive, tol­er­ant, fairly clean and great place to live. My wife and I love it here. We are com­mu­nity minded peo­ple who believe in the envi­ron­ment and we ALWAYS recy­cle as much as we can. We wash out con­tain­ers and bot­tles and sep­a­rate papers to make it easy for the recy­cling crew. We used to see our recy­cling going into a recy­cling truck, where it would get sorted on the spot. As far as I know, crunched up mixed recy­cling in a garbage truck is NOT recycling…it’s frig­gin’ garbage on its way to a landfill.

Does any­one know what is going on here? I mean as much as I love to do my part, I hate wast­ing my time, and I hate munic­i­pal bull­crap. If my recy­cling is going into a land­fill, then why am I wast­ing my frig­gin’ time?


  1. dp says:

    From the Plateau-Mont-Royal web­site explain­ing the use of “garbage trucks” to pick up recyclables.

    GrÆ’‚ce la mod­erni­sa­tion des Æ’‚©quipements du cen­tre de tri, la col­lecte est main­tenant effectuÆ’‚©e Æ’‚ l’aide de camions tasseurs nettoyÆ’‚©s et adaptÆ’‚©s pour recevoir les matiÆ’‚¨res recyclables.”,1482603&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL

    Read more:

  2. admin says:

    Thanks kkjensen! — How does it get sorted if it all goes into the same truck and crushed big time?

    Keep in mind that glass bot­tles also go into that truck and get smashed up with every­thing else.

  3. kkjensen says:

    I’m also in Que­bec (Chateau­guay though) and it’s con­tracted out here…maybe they’re just using a garbage truck but it’ll still get recy­cled? Extract­ing paper from crushed cans would be tough though. Recy­cled mate­r­ial is worth quite a bit so I can’t imag­ine them throw­ing it out if it’s already sorted. A truck full of col­lected paper got stolen in Cal­gary while I was in school there…why???…the con­tents were untrace­able and worth over $20K.

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