There are only 3 days left to visit Le Mois de la Photo (Translation: photo month) in Montreal. Le Mois de la Photo is a photography event that takes place in Montreal every second year. I’ve been going to this event regularly in Montreal for about a decade. There is always a HUGE variety of photographic styles (from photographers from around the world) in this event and most exhibitions (especially this year) are what I would call ‘alternative’.

From Hand to Mouth, 1993. Installation view, The American Center, Paris, 1995. Photo: Jeff Guess. Courtesy of the artist
The above photograph (and this is one of the many exhibitions that I personally visited) is a great example of ‘alternative photography’ and‚ thinking outside of the box. The goal of this exhibit is not simple, it requires thought; active thought. People will experience this exhibit in a personal way. Some will like it, some will hate it, and others will scratch their heads and go “Hmmmm”. Personally, I dug it big-time. I like things that are different. I like to think and feel. I’m not into McDonald’s and their freakishly annoying mainstream clown.
Here’s the ‘official website’ write-up on Guess’s exhibition:
With From Hand to Mouth (1993), a 22-metre long photographic series, Jeff Guess treats viewers to an original visual experience. The piece takes the form of a circular panorama hung from the ceiling of a darkened room. The artist assigns a particular place to viewers, who are invited to step into the centre of the installation. Without a privileged viewpoint that would make it possible to take in all the images at once, the work invites viewers to move about, to circulate. From Hand to Mouth is shown with a single, isolated photograph, Fonce Alphonse (1993).
This exhibition is just one of many that make up this year’s Mois de la photo. So get your shoes on and get out there this weekend to see the work before the exhibition is over. Bring an open mind, your brain but leave your cash at home. The exhibitions and mental stimulation are free.
Chemistry was excellent in that photo, I like it!!
This would be nice.. i love photography… this would be a nice photography event