Thoughts on Borders

When we print out pho­tographs or pur­chase pieces of art on can­vas, we gen­er­ally get these art pieces framed to ‘fin­ish’ the look. Well how about pho­tographs posted online? Many peo­ple are now post­ing their pho­tographs online with a bor­der to com­ple­ment the piece. But does it really complement?

Some might feel that bor­ders are dis­tract­ing to the visual ele­ments in the photo. A bor­der can fur­ther destroy a photo if it’s too over­whelm­ing to the sub­ject at hand.

Oth­ers can’t do with­out the bor­ders; they serve to help make the photo ‘pop’, make the photo a tad more ele­gant, or depend­ing on the color and con­text of the photo, can also com­ple­ment the ele­ments in the photograph.

Just as every pho­tog­ra­pher has their own tastes in their photo sub­jects, they also have their own opin­ions on bor­ders as a cre­ative ele­ment. Essen­tially, it’s all up to the artist and how they feel their cre­ativ­ity should be displayed.


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