I met Jerry Ghionis at the 2008 PhotoPlus Expo/conference‚ in New york and he has what I think is a great teaching tool. They are sets of cards called Picpockets and they are the same size as playing cards but they contain photos or photos with notes written on them. They come in a sturdy pack and can be taken on location and used for inspiration. The ‘Ordinary to Extraordinary’ series is nice because it shows you the simple backgrounds plus the fairly simple lighting and Exif data that were used to create the many striking photographs that make up the set. Each set of cards currently sells for about 80 dollars and contains about 50 cards. In the interest of full disclosure, Jerry was kind enough to give me samples of his products for review.
[…] Picpockets by Jerry Ghionis | Photography podcast – photography blog – Photogra… […]
Very clever concept ! Playing cards to do the thinking! And portable!